Week in review December 15 2018

Our outreaches continue in India and Mexico! And on the site, as always, we’re learning the Word. Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
To get in the mood for Christmas
Read: Here are all Jack’s Christmas articles in one place! I’m still scheduling them to show up on the homepage, but now you can browse through them on your own whenever you like.
Listen: Jack’s Audio Study, Christmas Prophecy
Our Outreaches this week
In Mexico, our kids’ group is busy helping us get ready for Christmas food distribution! They have gained such a sense of dignity through helping pack and distribute food to those in need. Most come from very needy families as well, (and will receive special Christmas groceries too!) and many were embarrassed to be the families that need help. The kids enjoy being able to give back and to help others who are even more in need than they are. And it helps them see that there is no shame in receiving and that it’s so much fun to give!
In India, we’re busy preparing for Christmas outreaches too!
It has been so fun to see the creativity and skill grow in these kids! And now, the moms are joining in as well! They’re learning to read and create!
It’s hard to imagine from our lives of privilege, but it takes a great deal of confidence and dignity for this tribe to begin these projects. These are things that were denied them their whole lives, and the lives of their ancestors. It’s a privilege to have free time and resources to learn and to create. I’m so grateful they have that now. And I’m so proud of them for embracing new things and learning!
Scenes from our Adult Literacy classes:
Scenes from our Sunday service:
This week we gave out rice and milk powder to the families.
Our fellowship lunch:
We’re getting Bibles for each child in Mexico and India! In India, they arrived early and we just couldn’t wait until Christmas to give them. The kids show us how excited they are to have them in their huts and learn to read them together with their families.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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As always, email or fill out our Contact form with questions, feedback, and suggestions.
God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
- A Christmas Message
- Mary’s Christmas Story… Part 1
- Mary’s Christmas Story… Part 2
- What Really Happened at Christmas?
- Joseph’s Christmas Story … Part 1
- Joseph’s Christmas Story … Part 2 (Conclusion)
Commentary on the Psalms
- Israel And The Church. Mutually Exclusive?
- Who’s To Blame Here?
- Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth
- Allos Parakleto, Another Comforter
- The Five I Wills
- The Torn Veil
- The River Of Life
- Angry With God
- Saved By Grace, Kept By Works?
- The Lesson Of Job
- Am I Required To Support Him?
- Were Mary And Elizabeth Cousins?
- Clothed In Scarlet
- Does Prayer Change Things?
- Why Do I Have A Choice?