This week in the new village 8-8-20

Each week we watch in amazement and gratitude as the Lord brings in enough for us to buy food for all we serve during this pandemic. The Lord is truly in this, providing day by day for all He has brought to us. It is humbling, a little scary, and such a blessing. The need is great, but God is greater.
Quick links to the other parts this week:
Are you in need?
I’ve heard from so many of you, stories of God coming through for you in unexpected ways during this crisis. Stories of people wondering how to provide for themselves one day, to the next day having extra to share with those we serve together! It’s so exciting to see the Lord at work. And it’s so wonderful to be involved in this work together with you. I love to see how the Lord provides solutions that benefit multiple situations in one act. Often we don’t know how the Lord will provide, we just know He will. Every day.
For any of you wondering how you’ll provide for yourselves, I offer all this as encouragement. The Lord is faithful even when we are not. He is generous beyond our imagination. And His gifts are never just for us alone. It’s helpful for me to look above my circumstances to see those around me as well. Sometimes we don’t have because we don’t ask. We are told to ask, for our own needs and for others as well. And the Lord gives extra for us to pass along to those in need. We can never out-give the Lord. He won’t be in our debt. Sometimes you’ll be the one receiving and sometimes you’ll be the one giving. It should be our goal to do both well, so we can take care of each other like the family we are. This is how the body of Christ is meant to work!
When we were first in Mexico (15 years ago next month!) and overwhelmed by the need all around us, we held onto Proverbs 19:17: Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay them for what they have done. We are meant to be channels of the Lord’s blessings—rivers flowing with generosity. We are not meant to keep all He sends to us. Like water, it’s only living if it keeps moving. If the Lord’s blessings end with us, it becomes stagnant. If you know someone in need, ask the Lord for the ability to help! Always, but especially in times of crisis, the Church is meant to bless those around them. And if you are the person in need, ask the Lord for more than enough so you can have your needs met and pass along His love and provision.
And now, here are pics from our week in the new village. All the food you see us handing out here is a result of people asking the Lord for more than enough so they can help others. Love this!
Food for the new village
This week we brought less perishable food for this village—flour and cooking oil. Every week these families are more and more comfortable with us. We pray that each encounter we have with them is full of love overflowing. We know from the families from our children’s church how important being treated with dignity is. It’s important for every human! But it’s especially important in this area where most of them have never been treated this way by anyone outside their tribe.
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha