This week in India 8-29-24

Here’s a glimpse of our week of outreaches in India.

Quick links to the other parts this week:

Happy weekend GTF fam! ♥

Thank you so much for keeping everyone we serve in prayer! We’ve been praying for the school here in Mexico, the teachers announced they would not return to classes until the government paid the wages owed. The government committed to getting them paid by the month’s end, so classes began on Wednesday! We are praying they’ll get their pay today. Because of your generosity, were able to give uniforms and school supplies needed to our kids! We’ll share more about that next week on our Mexico update. This week, we are featuring India!

Education is critical for families who have lived generationally in poverty. We are so blessed and excited to be able to help our kids in Mexico and India get the education they need to help their families!

Now, on to our outreaches in India!

Our Sunday School

We continue to have Sunday school classes at our rented school room. It’s too dangerous for the kids to have it in their village, so we meet here on Saturdays.

Our memory verse this week:

Proverbs 15:3

The Lord is watching everywhere,
keeping his eye on both the evil and the good.

Our School Classes

For three hours every day after school, our volunteers tutor the kids, helping with their studies and preparing them to excel in their classes. Our kids here are the first generation in their families to attend school, and we are so proud that 100% of the kids we serve are in school! You may remember what a challenge it was several years ago for these families. The older kids had a lot of catching up to do, but they have done extraordinarily well and are so proud of themselves!

In extreme poverty, it is a sacrifice to send your kids to school instead of them working or begging. It is an investment in the future, and it’s hard to think of the future when you don’t have food for today.

It’s easy to see the physical impact that your prayers and support have in the lives of those we serve. But the internal transformation has been just as dramatic!  The love and power of the Lord (through your dedication and generosity) have transformed the hearts and minds of these brave parents. It’s incredible to me every single day.

Crafts class

Every Friday, we have crafts class! This too, is such an important experience for our kids. It takes a certain level of stability and resources to be creative. For some, arts and crafts are an “extra” thing that isn’t necessary. But we see God’s incredible, extravagant creativity all around us and how creative kids are naturally. It honors Him to use His gifts, and we are so grateful to be able to provide this for our kids!

At Manjunath’s Village

Sharing glimpses of our time in this village! These families are brickmakers, and you can see a bit of that this week in our pictures!


And that’s our week! We continue to pray for the rescue of the prayer house village from all that opposes them.  Thank you so much for praying with us!

See the other part this week:

Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!

If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.

Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.

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God bless you!
♥ Samantha