This week in Mexico 11-14-20

A glimpse into our week in Mexico. Our kids classes, complete with time for crafts and games after schoolwork and a chance to redo traditions we missed earlier this year!
Quick links to the other parts this week:
Our Escuelita
Our kids named our group “Little School” back when it was just an afterschool program. Now it actually is a little school! Before the pandemic, we provided a safe place for the kids in the neighborhood to come after school and on Saturdays. When we learned that school would begin, but only for those affluent enough to have computers and internet in their homes, we began working with the teachers and parents to help our kids from falling behind this year. About 50 kids showed up to the first week of classes! So we quickly had to break into smaller groups. Even a few weeks in, we’re still getting our footing! Because the kids have been alone in their houses for so many months, they are so excited to be together. So we make sure to give them creative and play time after their classes!
This week, several of them brought the Jesus Storybook Bibles we gave them last Christmas to read together! This is the first Bible we got for Aidan when he was little because every story shows how it points us to Jesus. When we looked at getting these for the smaller kids, we showed a couple of the older kids the book too, and they all wanted their own copy. They said they don’t have to give up stories about Jesus just because they aren’t little anymore! So we gave a copy to every child in our group! And almost a year later, it’s still something that bonds them together. In the fears they have in this pandemic, when their parents are struggling to provide, they keep wanting us to read these stories together to remind each other that it’s still all about Jesus! Amen, amen, amen.
One of our favorite traditions here is Cascarones at Easter. For months, families save eggshells from breakfast, wash and dry them, and then later decorate them and fill them with confetti. Then the kids have a confetti party! The parents hide the eggs and when the kids find one, they can smash it above another kid’s head, pouring confetti all over them. (You have to remind them that they can’t smash the egg on anyone’s head directly—that hurts! But you can smash it between your palms and the confetti falls out!)
Because we missed this tradition together this Spring, the kids asked to do it together for Christmas. So we’ve been saving eggshells and the kids are decorating them. You can see below that some kids wanted to show their feelings on the eggs. It’s been a rough year for these families. But thanks to the generosity of so many of you, everyone we serve has enough food, and these kids can continue to learn so they aren’t left behind in school next year!
Here the twins are filling the eggs with confetti!
A quick group picture! Thank you for praying for all our kids and for their families.
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha