End Times Prophecy

Blessed Is He Whose Hope Is In The Lord

Published: June 5, 2024 (Originally published: February 17, 2016)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—the Lord, who remains faithful forever. (Psalm 146:4-6)

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 13 Conclusion

Published: September 25, 2023 (Originally published: April 4, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

It’s time to bring our study to a close. We do so with well known passages from Isaiah 63, 65, and 66. At the beginning I warned you this would take a while, and it has. 13 weeks to be exact. The finish will not disappoint you.

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 12

Published: September 20, 2023 (Originally published: March 28, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

In this installment the focus is on the Holy City, and the changes the Lord will bring to Zion. Included among these are vast wealth, eternal light, and a new name.

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 11

Published: September 18, 2023 (Originally published: March 21, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

Here’s another look at the Great Tribulation, the Lord’s promise to preserve Israel through it, and a beautiful picture of the future glory of Zion. By now you understand that this is a recurring theme in Isaiah, but each time we look at it we get some new information and this time is no exception.

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 10

Published: September 13, 2023 (Originally published: March 14, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

In this installment, we’ll take another look at the destruction of Babylon, this time from a spiritual perspective. At issue here is the origin of the pagan religions of the world and Satan’s effort to make himself the object of all worship.

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 9

Published: September 11, 2023 (Originally published: March 7, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

In this installment, we’ll gain a little more detail on the blessings Israel will receive in the Kingdom Age, and we’ll also see the Lord’s response to those who claim that His promises to Israel were canceled because they rejected the Messiah.

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 8

Published: September 6, 2023 (Originally published: February 28, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

In this installment we’ll see the awful fate of the nations as foretold in chapter 34, followed by the glorious restoration of Israel in chapter 35. The contrast couldn’t be greater.

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 7

Published: September 4, 2023 (Originally published: February 21, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

In this installment of The End Times According To Isaiah, we’ll look at chapters 26-27 which will complete the four chapter prophecy we began last time.

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 6

Published: August 30, 2023 (Originally published: February 14, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

This time we begin a very descriptive four chapter passage devoted to the destruction coming upon the Earth at the End of The Age. Before we’re finished we’ll see the Earth judged, Babylon destroyed, the Messiah revealed, the Church Raptured, Satan judged,

The End Times According To Isaiah, Part 5

Published: August 28, 2023 (Originally published: February 7, 2009)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

This installment of the End Times According to Isaiah takes us to Isaiah 17 and the never fulfilled prophecy of the destruction of Damascus.