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Were Abram, Nahor, And Haran Triplets?

Published: September 29, 2016 (Originally published: October 25, 2006)

I’m going through an exercise of charting the offspring of Adam by the dates of births and deaths provided in Genesis. The Scripture says that after 70 years, Terah had his 3 sons. Were Abram, Nahor, and Haran triplets, or is this verse saying that all three boys were born during those 70 years?

This continues to be a fun exercise. Never realized the huge overlap of generations. For example, Terah is the 9th generation from Noah, and Noah was alive for much of Terah’s life. I wonder if they had family reunions!

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Who’s In Charge Here? Follow Up

Published: September 29, 2016 (Originally published: October 26, 2006)

Jack, thank you so much for your speedy response! That is pretty much what I told my parents…that God gave us free will and wants us to CHOOSE to love and obey Him, rather than FORCE us to.

Just something else to be clear about…this is something my mother asks me all the time and it stumps me, as I am fairly new to all of this (studying the Bible). She says that since the Bible says God created us in His image and we are sinners, that must mean God is a sinner too (I feel terrible even writing that because I know God is perfect and without sin). Again, many thanks!


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Those Who Claim To Be Jews But Are Not

Published: September 29, 2016 (Originally published: October 26, 2006)

Thank you for you ministry, Jack. I’ve been thinking lately on how there are references to the “synagogue of Satan”? and “those who claim to be Jews but are not”? in the only two churches which receive the Lord’s commendation in Revelation 2 and 3 (Smyrna and Philadelphia).

In the case of Philadelphia I’m wondering if it refers to the replacement theology prevalent in Catholicism and many protestant denominations. I’ve always considered that this theology is a great offense to God as it denies the glory accorded to His Son, denies His covenants with Israel and denies the truth of His prophetic Word.

I think it is significant also that of all the 7 Churches in Revelation 2 and 3 it is to the church of Philadelphia that the Lord says he holds the “key of David”?. The modern period of Philadelphia coincided with Zionism and the resurgence of the pre-millennial interpretation of prophecy. What are your thoughts on this?

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Responsibility And Privilege

Published: September 28, 2016 (Originally published: October 31, 2006)

What happened to the people who did not know anything about Jesus or ten commandment of Moses and died? Will they be punished or enter in to life? For an example I will take an ancient civilian who did not live in Israel and lived before Jesus was born.

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Clarifying The Timing Of The 2nd Coming

Published: September 29, 2016 (Originally published: June 6, 2009)

Clarify for me what day Jesus was talking about when He made the statement about no man knowing the day or hour. That verse, Matt. 24:36, is often used in reference to the rapture, but no where in that entire chapter is the rapture ever mentioned. In fact, I’m not sure that the disciples, at that time, clearly understood the doctrine of the ‘church’, much less the removal of the church. And, putting the rapture there is at odds with the actual question that the disciples asked.

Since the subject of the chapter is events of the tribulation and of Jesus’ return, then it could be that Jesus meant the day of His actual appearing, however, with the time clues given in Daniel, it seems that calculating that day would be easy rather than unknowable. So, what is the day or hour that Jesus is speaking of?

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Rosh Hashanah And The 2nd Coming

Published: September 29, 2016 (Originally published: July 31, 2010)

Your thoughts on Rosh Hashanah (No man knows the day or the hour) being the likely day that the Lord will set up His kingdom on earth has me studying the 7 Feasts in detail. I know that you are not setting dates but I have been really trying to understand the prophetic math for the next decade.

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The Power Of Faith

Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 31, 2006)

Thank you, as always, for the time and effort you put into this website and the help you provide to so many people.

My question is kind of two fold. Jesus, during His time physically on earth, was said to be perfectly human and perfectly divine. My first question is, in His humanity, did he retain his sense of identity as God, or did it not come until the advent of His ministry. This came to mind when I read about the time that He stayed behind in Jerusalem conversing with scholars. Was he inquiring in an effort to learn that which God should already know, or was he quizzing and in a sense educating them?

Also, if limiting Himself to only doing the things a normal believing human can do, is this to say that every act that has been passed down through the generations as “miraculous” and evidence of His deity are actually all things a believer can do by the power of the Holy Spirit and through their faith?

I know I’ve heard you talk about this some, I just wanted to clarify. It seems if this were the case it would follow then that His identity as God would be retained and it is the perfect knowledge of God that would allow Him to have the faith to do things that we could do if we had the same faith. It also would explain how He knew what was in people’s hearts, not because he was reading their mind, but because he was the author of the human psyche and would know the cause and effect reactions to what was going on. Am I off base here and if not can you help me nail this thought down via scripture?

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Who Created God?

Published: September 28, 2016 (Originally published: October 31, 2006)

This may be a hypocritical statement and question. I believe there is a God and I believe Jesus Christ is my saviour, but I often wonder “who made God”…Do you ever wonder this and would you have a theory to clarify my wondering?

I love your website. Thank you and God bless you!

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Dreaming Dreams And Seeing Visions

Published: September 28, 2016 (Originally published: September 8, 2014)

My question is about Joel 2:28. I hear many people today claiming that the Lord has spoken to them through dreams and visions about how these end times are going to play out and how we need to prepare with food and arming ourselves. When I asked one of these persons to give me Bible verses to back this up they beat around the bush and I really didn’t get a verse of scripture. There are so many people claiming that they are getting words from the Lord with this method that I feel left out! The only Word I get from The Lord is in the Bible. So are they right and can this verse of scripture be used to back them up?

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The Number

Published: September 21, 2016 (Originally published: September 9, 2014)

I notice that you stand with those who believe that the rapture does not have a set date, but instead a set number of believers who must be completed in order for it to take place. I was wondering if there were any clues given as to that number. I only remember reading “a multitude that could not be numbered” for the saints that stand behind the Lord at the final white throne judgment. Thank you for your insight and praise God there are those like you who encourage steadfast Christians to think.