
The Seven Miracles In John

Published: June 14, 2023 (Originally published: December 30, 2015)
Mining hidden treasures in the Gospel to the Church.

O You Of Little Faith

Published: March 1, 2023 (Originally published: September 27, 2008)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

Increase Our Faith

Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed.

“Where did this man get these things?”

The Christmas Story … Part 2 (Conclusion)

Published: December 12, 2022 (Originally published: December 14, 2013)
On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived. Luke 2:21

The Beatitudes, Blessed Are We

Published: April 20, 2022 (Originally published: August 5, 2015)
Once in a while I'm asked to do a study on a specific portion of Scripture. While we're waiting for the other shoe to drop in the Middle East, I'd like to respond to one I received recently concerning a portion of the Sermon on the Mount commonly called "The Beatitudes".

I Am The Lord Who Heals You, Part 2: Healing By The Numbers

Published: October 6, 2021 (Originally published: December 7, 2003)
I am the Lord, Who heals you, Ex 15:26

I Am The Lord, Who Heals You

Published: September 15, 2021 (Originally published: November 30, 2003)
I am the Lord, Who Heals You. Ex 15:26

The End Times According to Jesus, Part 4—Why Didn’t He Mention the Rapture?

Published: June 28, 2021 (Originally published: June 13, 2004)
Look at the nations and watch – and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5

Amazing Grace

Published: January 25, 2021 (Originally published: May 21, 2016)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

No portion of scripture provides a more succinct view of our need for a savior than Mark 9-10. When praying recently about how to best present this passage in a Bible study, the Lord clearly said, “Get the big picture.”

The Revelation Story: Chapters 19-End

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
Chapter 19

With the final and total destruction of Babylon, God’s enemies have been all but defeated and the war for Planet Earth is just about over. “Hallelujah,” we all shouted from Heaven, “For our Lord God Almighty reigns!” Hallelujah is a Hebrew word meaning “Praise the Lord” and after the fact I was surprised to learn that I’m the only New Testament writer who used it.

The Revelation Story: Chapters 15-18

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
Chapter 15

Back in Heaven seven angels appeared along with the seven golden bowls of God’s Wrath, His last series of judgments. When these were over His enemies would be vanquished and His victory complete. Just then another large group of martyrs arrived from Earth and stood before His throne.