Ezekiel 38 And The War In Lebanon
Published: August 26, 2006 (Originally published: August 26, 2006)The Four Horsemen, al Mahdi, and the Magnetic Polar Reversal
Published: July 26, 2015 (Originally published: March 11, 2006)Ezekiel 38-39 Overview And Summary
Published: January 21, 2006 (Originally published: January 21, 2006)Ezekiel 38 Heads Up # 5
Published: October 8, 2005 (Originally published: October 8, 2005)Woe To The Obstinate Children
Published: September 17, 2005 (Originally published: September 17, 2005)The End Times According To Paul, Part 3, 2 Thessalonians
Published: March 1, 2014 (Originally published: July 4, 2004)1 Thes. 5:9
The End Times According To Paul, Part 2, 1 Thessalonians 4-5
Published: June 27, 2004 (Originally published: June 27, 2004)1 Thes. 5:9
The End Times According To Paul Part 1, 1 Thessalonians 1-3
Published: March 22, 2014 (Originally published: June 20, 2004)A Bible Study by Jack Kelley
It’s important to understand the differences between Jewish and Christian Eschatology. Israel was promised that one day God would return to dwell with them forever in the land He had given them (Ezekiel 43:7). The Church was promised that we would go to heaven to dwell with our Lord Jesus forever.
Daniel’s Story: Chapter 12
Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)But just as things seem hopelessly lost Michael, the Archangel who commands the forces of the LORD, will arise to join the fray. Israel’s situation is getting serious and they’ve finally recognized that they’re outgunned and need some supernatural intervention.
Daniel’s Story: Chapter 11:36-12
Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)Even though all of the angel’s overview of Israel’s history from 535BC to the end of the age came to me in advance, the first 35 verses of chapter 11 have already been fulfilled and documented as historical fact as you have seen. But now, again without skipping a beat and without a word of explanation,