Daniel’s Story: Chapter 2
Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)The Big Dream
In the second year of his reign Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that really perplexed him and he saw a great opportunity to put his advisers to the test. Remember, he had inherited most of them from his father and didn’t trust them one whit. When he assembled them to interpret the dream,
Jacob’s Story: Part 1, Gen. 36-37
Published: January 17, 2014 (Originally published: July 5, 2003)What they intended for evil, the LORD intended for good... for the saving of many lives.
-Gen. 50:20
-Gen. 50:20
Isaac’s Story: Part 2, Genesis 27-31
Published: January 17, 2014 (Originally published: July 3, 2003)"I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bless you and will increase the number of your descendants for the sake of my servant Abraham." -Genesis 26:24
Seven Churches of Rev 2 and 3: Part 1
Published: July 3, 2003 (Originally published: July 2, 2003)Church history according to Jesus.
Abraham’s Story: Part 2, Genesis 12-15
Published: January 17, 2014 (Originally published: July 3, 2003)"I will bless those who bless you , and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
-Gen 12:3
-Gen 12:3
Isaac’s Story: Conclusion, Genesis 35
Published: January 17, 2014 (Originally published: July 3, 2003)"I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bless you and will increase the number of your descendants for the sake of my servant Abraham." -Genesis 26:24
Spiritual Gifts: Part 1. To Each One, Just as He Determines
Published: May 3, 2017 (Originally published: July 2, 2003)A case for the gifts in the church today.
Spiritual Gifts: Part 3. God’s Gifts And His Call Are Irrevocable
Published: May 10, 2017 (Originally published: July 2, 2003)The gifts and the call are irrevocable.
Spiritual Gifts: Part 2. Some Personal Experiences
Published: May 6, 2017 (Originally published: July 2, 2003)A few of my own experiences.
Daniel’s Story: Chapter 1
Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)Advisors To The King
What follows is the story of Daniel’s adventures with God as recorded in the Bible. It is being presented as if Daniel himself is telling the story in his own words.
It would have been the summer of 605 BC on your calendar when everything fell apart for my people.