The Bible Thru The Eyes Of Its Writers

The Revelation Story: Chapters 1-6

Published: July 26, 2016 (Originally published: May 12, 2017)

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

If you’ve had trouble understanding the Book of Revelation, this summary and paraphrase is sure to help. Written as John might have told it today, the Revelation Story makes one of the most complex and controversial books of prophecy in the Bible so much easier to comprehend.

Philemon’s Story

Published: April 30, 2016 (Originally published: April 30, 2016)
My name is Philemon and this is my story. It's been described as the application of the highest principles to the most common affairs, but at the time it happened it was just two people at odds with each other being reconciled by a common love for the Lord.

Daniel’s Story: Chapter 12

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
Michael To The Rescue (With A Little Help From You Know Who)

But just as things seem hopelessly lost Michael, the Archangel who commands the forces of the LORD, will arise to join the fray. Israel’s situation is getting serious and they’ve finally recognized that they’re outgunned and need some supernatural intervention.

Daniel’s Story: Chapter 11:36-12

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
History to Prophecy

Even though all of the angel’s overview of Israel’s history from 535BC to the end of the age came to me in advance, the first 35 verses of chapter 11 have already been fulfilled and documented as historical fact as you have seen. But now, again without skipping a beat and without a word of explanation,

Daniel’s Story: Chapter 11:1-35

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
The Kings of the North and South

The angel said he had been sent to tell me what had been written in the Book of Truth, a heavenly account of history, written in advance. He began by saying that there would be three more Persian kings in a time of relative peace and prosperity,

Daniel’s Story: Chapters 10-12

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
The Big Picture Chapter 10 … Prelude

As if the dream predicting the Messiah’s coming wasn’t enough, two years later I received another revelation. This one gave me such detail about the future of my people that in your time “scholars” who don’t believe in predictive prophecy have tried to make the claim that I didn’t really write my story at all.

Daniel’s Story: Chapter 9

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
Answered Prayer

In 538 BC, the first year of Persian rule over Babylon, I read in the Book of Jeremiah that our captivity in Babylon was supposed to last 70 years (Jere. 25:11-12). Jeremiah, you may remember, lived around the same time as I did and documented the defeat of Israel and destruction of Jerusalem from that end while Ezekiel and I wrote from Babylon.

Daniel’s Story: Chapter 8, Part 2

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
The Origin of Hanukkah

As my dream continued, I saw another horn grow up out of one of the four prominent horns of the goat. It grew to the south and east toward the Beautiful Land, as we often call Israel. This horn grew until its power (horns stand for power remember) reached into the very heavens,

Daniel’s Story: Chapter 8, Part 1

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
The Ram And The Goat

After the dream of the four beasts, I didn’t have any more like it for about 2 years. But then one night in 551BC I dreamed that I was in the city of Susa standing by the Ulai canal in the region of Elam, which was part of Persia in my day. 

Daniel’s Story: Chapter 7

Published: (Originally published: May 12, 2017)
The Big Dream Part 2

So far I’ve related this tale pretty much in the order these things happened to me. But now I’m going to back track a little to tell you about some remarkable visions and dreams I’ve had from time to time. I’ve saved them till now because they don’t really fit into the theme of my story.