Ask a Bible Teacher

Where Do We All Go?

Published: October 27, 2009

For my question, I’m going to group believers into 3 categories: believers who die before the rapture, believers who go in the rapture, and believers during the tribulation. My question is where will each of these groups live during the millennial reign of Christ? Will some live in heaven and some on earth? Thank you for your help.

Enoch, Elijah, And The Rapture

Published: October 24, 2009

How many years before the flood was Enoch “raptured”? Any significance? How about timing of Elijah’s “rapture” in relation to any judgment event? Are they “types” of the coming pre-judgment rapture of the Church?

Will I Find Her?

Published: October 24, 2009

I know you don’t have time for silly questions, but I have been thinking about this every day for almost 2 years, since my mother died unexpectedly. My mother was a true believer, so I know she is with Jesus. At the rapture, the dead in Christ will rise first, and those of us who are alive will join them in the clouds. Right? This would be purely speculation on your part, I realize, but do you think that we will be reunited with the ones we love immediately, right there in the clouds?

I think how many people there will be and how confusing it could be (if God were not in charge) I miss her so much and want to see her again so bad. I am just praying that I get to see her quickly after the rapture. Because if I have to look for her, that could take awhile!

What’s Behind The Post Trib View

Published: October 23, 2009

I’m part of a Bible group and we’re all believers, but this one girl is convinced that Christians will go through the tribulation. I tried to explain to her that, since we are already believers, we have accepted His sacrifice for sin and we have His imputed Righteousness, why in the world would His body (the church) suffer His wrath?

As well, I asked If she believed that Christ’s work on the cross was fully sufficient? If not, than no one was saved and we’re all toast! Is there nothing that can be shown, from the Bible, that will finally convince mid-post trib people? Having read some of the other questions you get, I’m not the only one who has a friend/ relative in this mess. Thank you for this ministry!

Aging In Heaven

Published: October 22, 2009

I know that when children die they go to Heaven and that when the Rapture occurs the children will go to Heaven but do they remain children when they get to Heaven and mature there or do they stay children forever or do they immediately become adults when they get to Heaven? Which brings to mind another question, when we die and go to Heaven do we stay the same age as we were when we died or does everyone become a certain age for eternity?

Are These Things Good Or Bad?

Published: October 21, 2009

Two years ago last month, my sister lost her husband to an extended illness. Recently, she has reported seeing “a patch of sparkling lights” in the corner of the ceiling in various rooms of her house. She reports that when this apparition materializes, she feels a calmness that is absent from the majority of her days. She never said anything about this to anyone until one day my niece was at the house and when the “sparkles’ appeared, she asked my sister if she saw it too.

My 81 year old mother spends the day with my sister and she has begun to see my father (dead these six years) and she says my deceased grandmother has also walked in and out of the room on two occasions.In performing my duties as a hospice nurse, I have had patients who reported seeing departed loved ones and even angels within hours or days of their own death. These appearances are never troubling and actually bring comfort to most of the persons who experience this phenomenon.

I know the Scriptures have many examples of the spiritual world “bumping” into the physical world. Is it possible that my family members and my patients have had similar experiences? I know that the rich man was denied the opportunity to go back and warn his brothers about the reality of hell and at the same time, we are encouraged to be hospitable to strangers because might be entertaining angels.

I am not sure how to answer my sister and mother’s questions about these things. Can you help?

Life After The Rapture

Published: October 20, 2009

You wrote; “According to my understanding, raptured believers will go to Heaven where we will take up residence in the New Jerusalem. There will be no contact with Earth during the time between the Rapture and the 2nd Coming, but during the Millennium visitation to Earth will be possible. Jesus will be prominent both on Earth and in the New Jerusalem during the Millennium.” Would you please explain how you support these statements Scripturally?

Great Harvest Or Great Apostasy?

Published: October 19, 2009

Thank you so much for your web ministry. Your insights are so articulate and thoughtful, I cannot tell you the number of times that you put so succinctly what I have been feeling/thinking especially in terms of praying for this nation. I have a question regarding end time harvest. I feel an urgency to share the gospel, yet I find mostly hard hearts and itching ears for a completely different gospel. My question is, will there be a great end time harvest as I have always been taught or is Luke 18:8 a more accurate description of the time we are in (which I believe to be the end time)? I appreciate your input.

Help Me With My Sister

Published: October 17, 2009

My older sister believes in God and from what I know accepts Jesus but she rejects the Bible as inerrant and as inspired by the Holy Spirit. She reads the Psalms for a pick me up and that’s about it. I suggest to her to read other books in the Bible but she attacks me by calling me a Bible thumper, or asks me when am I going to start living my life and stop worrying about whats coming when I share with her the nearness of the Lords imminent return. If I respond to her with scripture she says I’m a puppet and should develop my own beliefs and stop using the Bible as a crutch.

I keep telling her the word does matter and you can’t love God and reject his word. She even rejects that the church is the bride of Christ. Lately her defense is that there are people who haven’t even read the Bible and believe and love God unconditionally. She says she does and that her relationship with the Father is between him and her and he speaks to her and thats all that matters. When I try responding she accuses me of being a hyprocrite becaus she says I’m judging her and others whose beliefs don’t line up with mine and am wrong for telling them their is only one truth. How do I respond to this? Is it possible to have the word and the truth, reject it, but in your heart believe in the Lord?

More On The Turkey-Israel Alliance

Published: October 17, 2009

Once you had an article on the breaking of the Israel-Turkey Alliance. Recent articles in the Jerusalem Post and other news sources talk about the current strife between Turkey and Israel. Is this more evidence of that?