Changing Churches


I married a Catholic over 5 years ago. We have two very young daughters. The more I find out about the Catholic Church, the more guilt I feel about attending and allowing my daughters to be a part it. When we were first married, we were both believers, but both very worldly. The older I get, the more seriously I’m taking my faith. Unfortunately, my wife doesn’t seem to be progressing at all. At any rate, I’ve decided that I will attend an Evangelical Free Church here in town. She is fine with that, but she doesn’t want our daughters growing up in anything but the Catholic Church. Obviously we’re at an impasse. What should I do? Am I abandoning my family by checking out this new church by myself?


As the Spiritual head of your family, it’s your responsibility to help your wife and children find the truth. What they do with it is up to them. And remember, arguing the merits of a particular religion with someone who disagrees is more likely to polarize the discussion than lead you to consensus.

Even if you could make them change churches with you, it wouldn’t do any good if their hearts aren’t ready. Check out the new church, discuss with your wife the things you’re learning and pray that the Holy Spirit will change her heart like He has yours. Your daughters will follow their parents’ lead.

Remember, the Lord wants all of them to find the truth even more than you do (1 Tim. 2:3-4), and if you surrender the issue to Him you may get to help Him lead them to it. Patience and prayer are your most powerful tools.

Here’s a verse to guide you. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty” (Zechariah 4:6).