Developing The Habit Of Praying


I need help to get into the habit of praying. I personally need help from the Lord to center my life around Him, but I forget to pray for it. When I do pray, I am easily distracted. I forget what I am talking about and ramble foolishly, and never seem to make contact with the Lord. What suggestions can you give me to cure this thing that keeps me away from the closer walk I want and need with God?


By definition, a habit is an action repeated until it becomes automatic. It begins with a conscious decision to do something that feels uncomfortable to do, then repeating it until it feels uncomfortable not to do.

If you want to form the habit of praying, start praying and don’t stop till it becomes a habit. Get something or someone to remind you and set aside a specific time each day. It can take as little as five minutes.

Remember, prayer is a just a conversation with God. Don’t try to make it into a formal presentation or think you have to use fancy language. Begin by thanking Him for anything you feel grateful for, then ask him to forgive you for anything you need forgiveness for, then ask Him for anything you want, then thank him in advance for giving it to you. If you feel like saying something else, say it. Then spend some time listening for anything He has to tell you.

As you become more comfortable, your prayers will come more easily, and your manner of speaking will be more conversational. When you catch yourself making spontaneous comments to Him throughout the day, thanking Him for little things that happen, asking for help or advice as needed, and so on, you’ll realize you’ve formed the habit of praying, and you’ll be in a closer walk with Him. But like all habits, it all starts with a decision to begin.