In your reply on “saved through evangelism” dated June 29th, 2010, you referred His will “My Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life.” John 6:40. OK, but here the point is DOING HIS WILL. If we are not doing His will we would not be in His kingdom . Matt. 7:21 says “Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. “NOT EVERY ONE” this phrase is very important in this verse, some would make it and some would not. Those who say Lord, Lord and do His will as well would enter the heavenly kingdom and those who say only Lord, Lord would not.
Doing the father’s will means relying 100% on the Lord’s death as payment in full for your sins. John 6:40 says everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him gets eternal life. Therefore believing in the Son is doing the will of the Father. John 3:16 and John 6:28-29 confirm this.
And remember, Matt. 7:15-23 is aimed specifically at false prophet and was not meant for general application. The phrase not everyone in Matt: 7:21 means some who say “Lord, Lord” are not believing in the Son, and therefore are not doing the will of the Father, even though they prophesy, perform miracles and cast out demons. In Matt. 7:23 Jesus didn’t say to them. “I knew you once but no longer do” as if they weren’t doing enough to keep themselves saved. He said, “I never knew you” meaning they were never saved, and that’s why they won’t be in the Kingdom.