Did God Take My Job Away?


I am going on my third layoff inside of two years. I was just laid off after seven months last Tuesday. I was told “last one hired, first one fired” although there was someone that came in months after me. I don’t understand why God would give me a job and then take it away. I need a job for so many reasons. I feel so lost and humiliated.


I can sympathize with your situation, but you should know that God doesn’t give people jobs and then take them away. If you’re one of His then He has promised to take care of your needs (Matt. 6:31-34). And if your current layoff wasn’t due to a seniority-based reduction in force, as you were led to believe, then there must be more to this than meets the eye. Three layoffs in two years seem to be more than a coincidence. I would suggest asking the Lord if you’ve been taking jobs you’re not suited for while ignoring the one He has in mind for you.