Is My Step Father Saved?


I love your website and the huge amount of wisdom I’ve received here. My mother and my stepfather are heading for divorce. My stepfather is very actively involved in Church. However, when he is not in church his behavior is pretty much the opposite of a Christian person and doesn’t come nearly close to the standards of how he supposed to treat my mother according to the bible. He claims to love Jesus Christ on Sundays but acts like a complete unbeliever the rest of the week. Is he saved? If our behavior doesn’t match our faith, are we still saved?


The Bible explains how the Lord wants us to act, but doesn’t threaten us with the loss of our salvation if we fail.

If your stepfather was ever saved, then he’s still saved (Ephesians 1:13-14, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22).

Lots of believers go through times when it looks like they’re not saved, but really it means that, like sheep, they’ve wandered away. The Lord has promised never to lose any of us (John 6:38-39), so if your stepfather is one of His flock, the Good Shepherd will go after him and bring him back. The best thing you can do is pray for him.

It’s not our behavior that keeps us saved, its our belief that Jesus died for all our sins, past present and future, as Colossians 2:13-14 tells us. Reading the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son (Luke 15:1-32) would be helpful for you.