Job Application Or Not?


My hubby and I have an argument going like this. I feel it is wrong for a church to have a perspective worship team member, nursery worker, etc…to have to fill out a application form like when applying when one is looking for a job? My hubby says it is perfectly okay.

I have seen the apps and they ask about your past. Well, what if you were an alcoholic (like our pastor used to be) and then became born again and the Lord took the addiction away. Why should they have to put that down? Is it any of our business? I realize in today’s world we need to be careful but I thought the church was a different place than the world. Please answer this one!


Sorry, I’m going to side with your husband on this one. Churches are under increasing attack and are prime targets for infiltration by the enemy. While we can’t tell about their spiritual condition from a job application, we can look for indicators in job history and such. Remember, Christians are no better than anyone else. We’re just forgiven.

Jesus advised us to be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. (Matt. 10:16). But many churches wouldn’t consider a person who’s been miraculously healed of an addiction to be suspect, nor would the believing applicant think of evidence of the Lord’s work in their lives as a disadvantage when applying to a Church for employment.