Loss Of Purpose


Recently, I feel like I’ve lost my sense of purpose. Since I believe the Lord’s return is right around the corner, maintaining my current schedule seems pointless to me. I spend most of my time either working or studying – and it kills me to know that I could be spending this time with my family. I’ve talked to my wife about this, and she believes that I should continue doing what I have been doing, in case the end is not as close as I think. What’s your opinion?


I agree that it’s hard to stay focused on the things of this world when we know the next one is getting closer every day. I also agree with your wife, but not because I’m unsure about the end being near. Jesus said not to worry about the future (Matt. 6:34), but I don’t think there’s anything in the Bible that supports sitting back and waiting for the Lord to come for us. I believe we’re supposed to be doing the work He has called us to do when He does come.

The loss of purpose you’re feeling may be due to fatigue. Perhaps you’re trying to do too much all at once. You might think about placing less emphasis on a future that most likely won’t come, and devoting your time to important things today. One of those things is working to support your family. Paul said a man who doesn’t support his family has denied his faith and is worse than an unbeliever (1 Tim. 5:8).

Note: I think this is an important perspective Jack gives here about focusing on each day. The Lord’s prayer confirms this!

Jack posted this Q&A in 2011. There is often a focus in Christian circles on either no future or only the future. The alternative is focusing on today and what the Lord calls us to in it. Through the years people have gotten very excited for a certain date or time frame and then become depressed, defeated, or angry at God when it didn’t happen. Some have gotten so disappointed they decided to leave the Church for a while. (Spoiler alert, you can’t lose Him, He’s got you!) Jack had such enthusiasm and hope for the rapture, and it was contagious to many. Still, we live in the tension between the cross and the Kingdom Age, and our job is to occupy until He comes. Live each day close to Him and do each thing He tells you to do. There is much work to be done! So much good we can do! Every day He tarries is grace for someone. And every day, the Holy Spirit is transforming us to be more like Him.  We can’t lose. We can look forward with hope and excitement while serving Him now in our everyday lives with the same hope and excitement. It could be today or not in your lifetime. Many will hate reading that sentence. But our hope isn’t in a timeframe, but in Jesus and His will and timing. It’s so easy to make an idol of our theology and especially our eschatology. We must guard our hearts and seek Him first. Not seeking what He can do for us, but Him alone. Every day you have here is a day to give His love to those you’re with. ♥ Samantha