Rapturing The Pre-Born


How is the Lord going to work out the rapture of all the pregnant women at the moment of the rapture? Will He separate the mother from the fetus and advance the fetus to adult status, or what? What do you think about this? I guess He could let them come to term while we are having ‘our time locked away with the bridegroom’, but I am not sure; neither am I aware of any Scripture relating to this.

Your site continues to supply me with many blessings and knowledge and wisdom and I thank you for this and pray for Father to bless you and yours greatly in Jesus name, Amen!


To me the Bible says three things on this subject:

1. Life begins at conception. (Psalm 139)
2. All children under the age of accountability belong to Him (Romans 7:9)

3. All who are alive and are His go in the rapture to be with Him.(1 Thes.4:17)

I’m content to let Him work out the details.