Role of Modern Prophets


Thank you for an informative and sound Bible based doctrine.

My question is ( a ) do we need prophets today in the church and (b) if we do what role do they play in the church?


The purpose of prophets in the church today is to “fill in the blanks” of prophecy already given by the Lord by providing added detail. This is accomplished through revealing local or even personal information on how God’s plan is being fulfilled in our lives. Because of this no prophecy can add to, subtract from, or otherwise alter God’s word already revealed in Scripture. In the overall sense the Book of Revelation was God’s final word to mankind.

Because of this, I always advise waiting for independent confirmation on any “prophetic word” given you from someone claiming the gift of prophecy. That means someone who had no way of knowing what you were told tells you the same thing. By the testimony of two witnesses a thing will be established. (Deut. 19:15)