Where Did They Sprinkle The Blood?


I’ve been listening to your teaching on the Book of Mark and find it fascinating. A big question though, you say that part of the ritual once a year was the sprinkling of blood on the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies. The ark of the covenant was not in the temple during the time of Jesus so where did they sprinkle the blood? How did they complete their required sin offerings and sacrifices? In your teaching, you say that the last thing that Jesus had to do was sprinkle his blood on the mercy seat at the throne of God where the real arc is. Everything in heaven is real and on earth a shadow or copy of that in heaven. Could you expound on this more?


According to my understanding of Jewish history, the ark of the covenant went missing shortly before the First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586BC and was not a part of the second Temple for the 400 plus years of its existence. During that time, the blood of the Yom Kippur sacrifice was sprinkled on the foundation stone in the Holy of Holies. It was a raised rock upon which the ark of the covenant should have rested.

In Rev. 11:19 John reported seeing the ark of the covenant in the temple in heaven. Hebrews 9:11-14 describes Jesus entering the temple in Heaven by means of His own blood as opposed to the blood of goats and bulls offered in the copy on Earth.