Walking Away From Our Marriage


Thank you for your faithful work at gracethrufaith.com. I have a simple question concerning divorce and re-marriage. My wife and I are ending our 25 year relationship. All of our children are grown and out on their own. There was no un-faithfulness, as far as I know, but we have simply never been compatible in the least and just never seemed to mature together as a couple. Neither one of us wants to continue in the marriage. What are Gods instructions concerning re-marriage under these circumstances?


The only Biblically acceptable reason for believers to divorce is marital unfaithfulness. Divorce under any other circumstances is a sin. (Paul did say that if a believer is married to an unbeliever, and the unbeliever wants to leave the believer is under no obligation to try and preserve the relationship. 1 Cor. 7:15-16)

Because of this, the Bible doesn’t offer any advice on re-marriage. but it does offer instruction on sin. Since the penalty for our sins was paid on the cross, we can confess and be forgiven. (1 John 1:9) This is not to be considered a license to sin, especially the premeditated kind. And there are consequences to all sinful behavior, so don’t think the two of you can just walk out of this relationship without suffering any. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you seem to be taking lightly something the Lord takes very seriously.