What Happens At The Bema Seat Judgment?


Thank you for always being there for all of us! I’m so glad that we have you. When we go in the Rapture and are at the Bema Seat judgment, are we going to be going over the what we did good and what we did bad things? Are we going to be in a bad way for maybe some things we could have done better? Are our lives going to be sifted through like the White Throne judgments? I asked this because of what some kids were told at youth group that really frightened them.


2 Cor. 5:10 says we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. This can not be a reference to sin because Jesus has already been judged for all the sins of our life and all of them have been forgiven (Colossians 2:13-15). Otherwise we wouldn’t even be there.

Earlier Paul had said in effect that the definitions of good and bad have to do with our “good works” and are based on our motive, not on the outcome. I believe things done in the Lord’s name with the intent of expressing our gratitude to Him will be like gold, silver, and precious gems and considered to be good.

But things done in our own name with the intent of glorifying ourselves will be like wood, hay, and stubble and are bad. The good things will be rewarded and the bad things will be discarded, being of no value in the Kingdom. But even if we have nothing good to our credit we’ll still be saved (1 Cor. 3:11-15).

Then Paul said we shouldn’t judge anything before hand, because it’s impossible for us to discern a person’s motive, even when it’s our own. The Lord will bring all this to light and then we’ll each receive the praise that’s legitimately due to us. (1 Cor. 4:5) So this judgment is not about salvation or discipline, it’s about rewards. Therefore we have nothing to fear.