Why Rachel?


I have learned more from your site than any Bible Study I have done. Thank You so much for your dedication to the Word. I was wondering why the Bible says Rachel grieves for her children. Why does the Lord specify Rachel instead of Sarah, Rebecca or any other mother in the Bible?


In Matthew 2:17 there’s a quote from Jeremiah 31:15 about Rachel weeping for her children. Matthew saw Jere. 31:15 being fulfilled when Herod’s soldiers slaughtered all the babies in Bethlehem under 2 years of age in an effort to kill the Christ child. Rachel was Jacob’s second wife, probably the only one he truly loved. She gave Jacob his favorite son Joseph, and died giving birth to Benjamin. Her tomb is located just outside Bethlehem (Genesis 35:19) and is the 3rd most important Jewish Holy Site in Israel. More than any other matriarch, Rachel symbolizes motherhood for the Jews.