Joel’s Surgery Success! Back home! Jan 2018

Update January 4: Joel was released from the hospital and is healing well! This has been such an amazing journey and I’m so grateful! Praise the Lord for all He is doing in Joel’s life! And thank you so much for joining us in prayer, rallying the forces of heaven on Joel’s behalf.
The doctors performed a followup CT scan and everything looks great! He will have one more followup CT scan on the 23rd. The surgeons mentioned he will need one more surgery in about three months. We need to get the details on this when we meet with them next. In the meantime, please keep him in prayer!
On his way home!
Update December 27: Thank you for praying! This was such a major surgery on such a little guy, and by the grace of God, Joel continues to surpass the doctors’ expectations. The doctors used the term exceedingly well for his progress! Joel was transferred out of the ICU the evening of the 23rd. His incision is healing well, there’s no swelling or pus! They want him to stay for at least another eight days to keep the incision clean. Since Joel lives in a hut with dirt floors and no running water, it would be much harder to keep it clean and sanitized there. Please keep praying! We praise the Lord for all He is doing. Notice also, the smile Joel’s mom has in the photo below. Thank you, Lord! And thank you all, for your prayers and the support that is changing these lives! I’m so grateful!
Update December 22: Joel is awake now and doing well! Praise the Lord! They are currently planning on moving him out of the ICU this evening. Thank you for interceding for Joel and his mom and the hospital staff. It’s amazing how well he is recovering. Please keep praying!
Update December 21: I’m so grateful! The doctors were able to take Joel off the ventilator! He is fully breathing on his own now. Please continue praying! He will hopefully be able to leave the ICU tomorrow. Please keep Joel’s mom in your prayers as well. Even though everything is going well, it’s so hard for her to see her baby this way. Thank you so much!
December 19: Praise the Lord! Joel is now out of surgery and it was a success! He is still sedated and recovering in the ICU. This was a very major surgery. Please keep praying for his quick recovery.
The doctors removed a 740-gram (1 lb, 10 ounces) tumor from his brain (!). This was pressing against his eyes causing them to bulge. They were able to remove the entire tumor and have sent it for biopsy. The doctors are optimistic that it will be benign since the other tumor was also benign.
Thank you so much for all your prayers! Thank you for joining us in helping those in need.