Merry Christmas 2023!

Merry Christmas from Grace thru Faith, 2023!
I love looking back to see all the Lord has done, and what a year it’s been! God is so generous to let us be a part of what He’s doing. It’s a holy thing to stand with people, to intercede, and give His love and provision to all He brings to us. Thank you for being a part of this with us!
We have so many praises this year. Last Christmas, Jaqui was devastated when her scans showed she had more cancer than when she began treatment. The doctors weren’t hopeful. But she knew we were praying and that it wasn’t the end of her story. She did one more torturous treatment and went into remission! And she is still cancer free at her six-month scan! Praise God! We finally got to see little Joel and his family again! We’ve prayed for them for years, and they have a special place in all of our hearts. We prayed even more when they left the area to find work. And this year, they came back for a bit! We were able to get new glasses for Joel, dengue treatment for his mom, Rathna, and epilepsy treatment for his aunt. We continue to pray that they’ll come back for good.
We built a home for a widowed mom of three young kids this year! They had been living in a small trailer that was falling apart. It was more patches than trailer, which did nothing to keep the rain and wind out. A home for a widowed mom means more than just a dry roof over their heads. It means that no matter what, her kids have a safe place to sleep that can’t be taken away. And it means she will never feel pressure to be with a man just to have a home. Priceless things that we were able to give this family because of your great love!
And we are ready to begin the next home for another widowed mom who lives in an unsafe trailer, Dinora! In May she lost her husband suddenly, after only a week in the hospital—so similar to how we lost Jack. She had lost her mom and her brother just six months before her husband. This year has been devastating for her. I’m so grateful we can stand with her, and she can look forward with hope. Lives are truly changed forever because of your prayers and support!
There’s not much of my life now I could have expected when we came to Mexico in 2005 with our one-year-old.
When we were new to Mexico, there was one area on our hearts that other ministries wouldn’t serve—we were warned it was too dangerous. But the Lord kept prompting. Then we met Olga and her family, who live there, and they wanted to help. So we started small, giving groceries and necessities, and then started our Escuelita. Later, we fixed and built homes, providing not only safe homes but jobs too. The Lord blessed and multiplied our efforts, and we became a small part of the community you now see each week. This area and the people in it have our hearts, we have never felt afraid here.
And this year, we moved into this community! Along with my oldest brother with autism, whom I’ve been caring for since 2020, and then three of my sisters moved into the community with us too! It’s incredible to be a permanent part of the community the Lord placed on our hearts so many years ago. This is the answer to so many prayers over so many decades.
When we moved to Mexico, we left our home and family behind. Then eight years ago, our little family of three was down to two, and I didn’t know what the future held. But the Lord is so faithful and He has grown the ministry and our family here in ways I wouldn’t have dreamed of 18 years ago.
As I look at our prayer lists, still filled with some of the same things year after year, it’s a good reminder that the Lord still answers prayers we have been waiting years to see answered.
Thank you for praying for us, this ministry, our volunteers, and those we serve. Your prayers are so needed and so appreciated. One of the greatest blessings of this ministry is the Lord bringing all of you into my life!
This Christmas season, I pray that you’ll experience the joy and peace that come only from Jesus. I pray that the Lord will heap overflowing blessings onto your lap and that you will experience His love tangibly, knowing you are fully known and truly loved. He is truly a proud Abba looking at you with delight.
With much love and gratitude,
♥ Samantha