Our week in outreaches – 11-5-22

Happy November, everyone! ♥ This is the second post of our new abbreviated outreach posts on the first week of each month!
Let the holiday season begin!
November begins our busiest season in ministry! A practice of gratitude is life changing for all who try it, and Thanksgiving is a holiday that combines giving thanks with food and family/friends. I love Thanksgiving, and November also begins such a fun time of getting ready for our Christmas outreaches and preparing our end of year letter with our yearly Christmas photo postcard. (If you’re not on our physical mailing list and want to get our Christmas card, you can send me your address via our contact form.)
Jaqui update
Jaqui was supposed to begin her two weeks of treatment this week, but it’s been delayed. They told her to be prepared to get the call to come in any day this week… and they never called. She’s going to call them to follow up and get an idea of when they’ll now be ready for her. It’s been a hard week of anticipation—not being able to plan anything because at any moment she could have been called in. And still, she is waiting. Waiting is an essential part of life with Jesus. While we wait, the Lord is working, and learning to wait well takes a lifetime. We are waiting with Jaqui for her treatment. We are waiting with our Prayer House village in India for a safe place to live. We are waiting on God’s timing to begin our community garden in Mexico. The worst thing we can do is to try to end the wait ourselves. All we need is to remember Abraham when we need a reminder that ending the wait ourselves can have drastic generation after generation repercussions! So we continue to wait, and we continue to do everything God has told us to do while we wait.
We are currently praying to discern what the Lord wants us to do in each of our outreaches for Christmas, and I’d love for you to pray with us! The Lord knows exactly what each person in our outreaches needs most, and we just need to discern what He has in mind! It’s a special season of showing all He brings us how much He loves them. And your prayers are vital to this! The Lord knows the needs and heart’s desires and He loves to delight His kids! And this is a season where beyond the very dire needs, we get to partner with God to bring something special to those we serve together. ♥
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all! Remember, you can send me feedback on this new schedule, and for what you’d like to see more of or less of in our outreaches.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha