This week in India 10-31-20

Another week in quarantine! We had a full week of school classes, several trips to the hospital, prayer meetings and our Sunday Service.
Quick links to the other parts this week:
Hospital Updates
We had several in the hospital this week. Preethi’s fever came back, but her covid test came back negative! Several others have fevers too. Please pray.
We brought Shanthamma in for a biopsy for a cyst or tumor in her nose. We’re waiting for the results. You may remember, this was the first procedure little Joel needed, way back when. (Before removing the grapefruit-sized tumor from his head.) Here’s that post: Week in Review September 2 2017 My goodness, look how little our kids were then! Three years ago. Look at all the Lord has done since then!
Here is Shanthamma below having an MRI and then biopsy:
Baby Rebecca came back for a follow up. She’s healing better than expected and the doctor said they no longer think she needs an invasive test that they suggested last week! Thank you, Jesus!
Here’s Preethi with her dad. We’re so excited her covid test came back negative! There are several in the tribe with fevers now as well. We’re praying for a quick recovery for them all.
At the villages
We filled the water tanks, and prayed and fellowshipped with our families.
The families have gotten together, to clear a space for a dedicated prayer tent! I love this so much! Here they are showing us where they’ve planned to put it. We’re praying with them for this!
This man had leprosy when we first met him three years ago. He lived in constant pain, without close contact with others in his village. Now he’s fully healed and feels better than he ever has. He tells everyone that Jesus saved him and healed him.
Baby Rebecca is doing so much better now!
The Lord has created such a passion for prayer in our villages, and I’m so grateful! We run this ministry on prayer, our volunteers lead with prayer, and our people have seen the example and the results of walking with God and our ability not only to be in relationship with the most generous, most loving Father, but to seek His wisdom and answers and provision. It’s humbling and so exciting! Along with their prayer meetings, they want to have communion together too! So we found the supplies. Here’s our first mid-week prayer service with communion together.
School Classes
This year has been full of trials. And much of what we do has been adjusting, bridging the gap, and making things work as best we can in a crisis. But do you know what? One of the hidden blessings in how we’ve had to adjust this year is our school classes here. I did not love sending so many of our kids away to boarding school. Even though I knew it was a superior education, and education is so important for breaking generations of poverty. But! Look at them now! They are all together! As families and a community. They are having Bible classes. They are learning and thriving. Together. God has shown Himself ever faithful again and again. And this, for me, is one of my favorite gifts in this season.
Three years ago, our kids had no opportunity to go to school, or to become literate. Many were only able to eat what they could beg in the streets. Now they are excelling in their studies and want to give back to their community. It’s been an amazing transformation. I’m so proud of them! They were brainstorming ideas and decided to put on a street awareness drive for the pandemic to show ways to stay safe. So our volunteers set out to help them, and they are making signs and banners.
Our Sunday Service
Scenes from our weekly church service! The kids jump up to repeat their memory verses and the adults share what the Lord has done for them this week. We sing praises to Him! Our pastors share teaching from His Word. I absolutely love how we do church!
Groceries for each family
We’re so grateful to be able to provide food for everyone in need that the Lord brings to us!
Here are two of our littles ones saying their memory verses!
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha