This week in India 2-1-24

I’m excited to share a special message with you this week from Laxmi and her mom! ♥
From our Volunteer:
Background: Sarsamma, Laxmi’s mother, was desperate without a husband. He was a victim of alcohol. Her mother, Rakkumama, stood with her, helping Sarasamma to beg so they would not starve, and she cared for the little children. That is the time GTF came as a huge blessing. IntodStarting from giving them clean water and helping the children, with their health, later finding a place for children to study, at the hostel, etc… Today as she looks back she is so thankful to GTF for introducing them to the Lord and for all the help they’ve received when they were in desperate need and even today. Yes, we look back and thank God for all that He did for the tribe.
Message from Laxmi’s mom
I am Sarasamma. I have four children, two are in a boarding school learning. I have a testimony to say… I never thought my children would one day be in school. Two children are staying with me and with my mother, and now Laxmi is at university because Jesus touched my life and my family. God provided many things whenever we prayed, hut covers, and food items, and was a great help for children with many needed items.
Once I was begging, people used to have a bad eye on me, but now Jesus is protecting me. I am working in different houses cleaning now. I want my children to love God and study well… we have come to this stage because of Jesus. During Christmas, we have received clothes for all, and bro and his wife [our volunteers] teach our children every day.
Thank you so much,… prayer… dear God, I thank you for showing me your favor, during the days of my struggles you gave me faith and strength.
Laxmi’s Message
My name is Laxmi, When I was young I met Uncle, [our volunteer] and through him, I came to know Jesus. I have a sister and two brothers, who are in the boarding school learning.
Today I am earning my degree because Uncle encouraged us to study, and brought books and pencils. I never thought I would be able to have a Degree.
I want to be a teacher after I get my degree. Jesus changed our situations from hopeless to hopeful and I want to live for Jesus.
I’m so incredibly grateful we get to be a part of their lives and praise God together for all He’s done! ♥
Scenes from the week here:
Our Sunday School Class
Last week we shared our kids are now learning the Bible in English! They’re so excited to learn this way and love repeating their memory verses.
Our Nightly Prayer Meeting
Around the Village
Thank you so much for praying with us for all we serve together and our volunteers!
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha