This week in India 2-28-25

Here’s a glimpse of our outreaches in India.

Quick links to the other parts this week:

Happy Saturday, GTF fam! We begin our update with our India family with a praise and request for our precious little Joel. The praise is that he’s gotten integrated into the local school and is excited about it. He’s playing on the soccer team!

Joel’s Eye Injury

The prayer request is for healing of the eye injury he got while playing. He tripped and hit his eye on a rock. His eye is bruised and because of his previous surgeries, the docs are paying close attention to his healing. They’ve scheduled a procedure on March 10 (which will be the night of the 9th for many of us). Please keep him in your prayers! Another praise is that he kept telling the doctor how much he loves school and loves learning and wants to do well in school. When he was younger, many experts worried he’d never be able to be in a standard school or keep up with a standard curriculum. This is an amazing answer to prayer! Thank you so much for keeping him and his mom and sister in your prayers! ♥

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Toiletries at the prayer house village

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Toiletries at Manjunath’s village

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Our School Classes

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Our craft class

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Sunday school

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Thank you so much for your prayers! It’s because of your prayer support that we have been able to keep our village from those who have been trying to remove them from their homes for several years now. We continue to pray for God’s perfect provision for them, while we praise Him for providing for them during this persecution.  Thank you so much for being on this journey with us!

See the other part this week:

Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!

If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.

Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.

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God bless you!
♥ Samantha