This week in Mexico 2-10-23

Here’s a glimpse of our week of outreaches in Mexico.
Quick links to the other parts this week:
Updates on Jaqui and more
We’ve had a challenging week here in Mexico.
We hade many hiccups trying to get our grocery delivery for food distribution and when it finally did arrive, it was not our order! The big delivery truck arrived, but with only two small bags of potatoes and a gallon of cooking oil. We’re hoping to get this resolved next week!
Jaqui finished her last radiation treatment this week! They thought she did so well, and we’re excited to send her for testing scans to see her progress.
Then the next day, Jaqui’s results came back, and this intense round of radiation didn’t get it all. So they recommend another treatment called brachytherapy, and after translating it and googling it, I learned it’s another form of radiation. They place radiated “seeds” in specific areas to treat specific areas. They want to do 5 treatments of this, two per week, and thankfully it’s closer than the other place that was 3 hours away. The oncologist also explained to her that bc of the type and aggressiveness of this cancer, she shouldn’t expect to be given any 5-year remission periods. They’ll want to keep checking on her more frequently. It was disappointing and hard for her to hear, but having the expectation of a marathon instead of a sprint, she thinks will be better for her mental health. She says she’ll keep walking along, grateful for whatever time she has, not grasping at a finish line. It makes me think of Jesus telling us not to cling to our lives or risk losing them. We will continue to intercede on her behalf. Thanks for interceding with us!
And during all this, we kept kids safe and having fun at our after-school group!
Our Escuelita kids classes
Thank you so much for praying with us for those we serve together!
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha