Update on Laxmi 8-20-22

Laxmi has finished her very hard 25 days of radiation! And she got into college… with a full scholarship!
Quick links to the other parts this week:
We are so proud of this girl!
Laxmi completed her radiation! And the doctors are pleased with her results. I don’t have specifics of what that means or the next steps, but we are encouraged! We did just learn that she will not need chemotherapy!
Because of her grades and her medical diagnosis, we were able to get her a college scholarship! While in radiation, her test results from her final exams came back and she did extremely well! With the scholarship, they will cover her tuition, and we just have to make sure she has a cell phone for online classes and safety and nice clothing appropriate for school! We are so proud of her and so excited for her! She, like our other college student Laxmi is going to major in business. They are both hoping to be able to help those in the village grow and expand their market businesses in the future. This is so exciting!
Here she is with the head doctor. Her doctor said she is certain it is only because of the Lord’s strength in Laxmi that she could endure such an intense course of radiation.
Our two college students! Both are named Laxmi. (You can see our first student to ever attend college here!)
Here she is with all the supplies she needs. Thank you so much for your generosity that has allowed this girl to be the first ever in her family to go to college! She wants to personally thank you all for providing this opportunity for her and for praying her through the treatment. We are praying for a very good deal on a cellphone next!
Close up of the area. We continue to pray for full healing from the tumor and any effects of the radiation.
Thank you for your prayers!
♥ Samantha
Links to other posts this week: