Week in review: Quarantined together, March 28 2020

This week we featured Union and Fellowship and the first of our Easter articles, The Last Eight Days, Pt 1. Our outreaches continue in Mexico and India! Continue reading to see a glimpse from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
Quarantined together and in need
There is now a lockdown order in this area. It is being strictly enforced with police on the streets, beating anyone who ventures out without a sufficient reason, and buying food isn’t a sufficient reason. The virus is spreading rapidly and the government is doing its best to keep people safe.
Thankfully, our volunteer’s work allows him to be out and to bring supplies to our people. Please pray for his safety, and for his protection from this virus.
Because stores have placed buying limits to discourage hoarding, it’s become difficult to get enough food for all in need.
With this lockdown order, in one day, every family in our area was left with no work and no way to buy food. It’s definitely the right call to slow the fast-spreading virus, but it also leaves the poorest at greater risk than ever. The markets our people sell in have been shut down to protect people, and they are devastated. They work so hard, going from begging on the streets for generations to having their own shops in the markets. And now they have no option to work.
They have seen great disease; they live in a world where tuberculosis, dengue, malaria, and typhoid are common. They aren’t just afraid of this virus, they are afraid of being back where they were before they met Jesus, with no help and no food. They are strong and have strong faith, but understandably, this is hard. It’s hard for those of us with modern conveniences, fast internet, and reliable food sources. They live day to day for their food. Please pray for God to comfort them, to show Himself to them as Jehovah Jireh, the Lord their Provider.
Providing Food
The areas in need are in even greater need now. We are praying for the ability to bring food to each family in need. This week we were able to bring cash to each family in our church so they can go, one by one, into a shop to buy food for the week. We are hoping to soon be able to buy in bulk which is far cheaper.
To buy in bulk requires that we have the cash on hand, the availability of the food, the store’s willingness to sell in bulk to us, and our ability to transport it during this extreme lockdown. It’s overwhelming for us, but it’s not to the Lord! Please pray for wisdom for us in this, and for supernatural provision, and for favor with both store owners and the authorities.
Pray for those who don’t know Jesus to come
There is much more need than just the families we know from our church. Please pray with us that the Lord will bring others in need to us during this time, that He will draw others to Him through this crisis. That we’ll be able to save their lives during this crisis, and that Jesus will transform their hearts as well. Pray that we will be able to be His provision, His hands and feet, and His light in the darkness. Lord, bring people to You during this time, and let us join in!
Prayer meetings
We met several times this week in the village to pray. Several of our volunteers were able to come! We’re working on a plan for the kids during the lockdown. They live in small huts, and we think it’ll be safer to have the kids spend the day at the church property than running around the village. It’s at least contained and walled and we can keep them safe. Again, please pray for wisdom for us in each of these situations.
Manju took over the class at his village during the week! He is becoming a leader of the youth and I’m so excited to see what the Lord has for him! I’m so proud of this kid!
Keeping kids safe during the lockdown
Because the villages live in small huts with communal bathing and cooking, we don’t have any way to separate the kids. For now, we brought just one village to the church grounds so they are at least in a contained area, not running in the streets. Our volunteers have been able to come each day to keep them occupied.
The kids from boarding school are home too!
Please pray for wisdom. This is a tough call and the best we’ve come up with so far to keep the kids from panicking and keep them in one safe area. Please pray with us for their protection from the virus and for provision for all.
Here our volunteer shows exactly how to wash their hands
Here the kids are practicing hand washing
While most are anxious, little Joel is so happy to have his friends home from boarding school, and so happy they can gather during the week!
Lunch together
We are making lunch together each day to make sure all have enough to eat.
Daniel is one of our kids in the boarding school in Bangalore. He fell from his top bunk bed onto the hard floor. He lacerated one kidney and his spleen and had internal bleeding. We rushed him to the ER. Daniel underwent tests and was given blood and we prayed!
He continued to heal and never needed surgery to repair the internal bleeding and lesions on his kidney and spleen. He has healed quickly and is being released from the hospital!
Please continue to pray for his full recovery. He’s still pretty sore around the incision for the tube in his side, and he’ll be weak from the whole ordeal. But he’s healing fast and he and his mom are filled with hope and gratitude.
God speaks to our kids
Daniel asked for his children’s Bible storybook to read. And, he and his mom asked us to get another so they can share with others in the hospital. Just like Manju when he was in this same hospital. And, just like Manju, although Daniel is much younger, he said he wants to be a man of God, just like our volunteer who prays for sick people to get well. He said he know this is what God wants for him and what he wants for himself.
Please pray with us for God to continue to work in Daniel’s heart, filling him up with love and a desire to serve Him.
Thank you for your love, your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- What Manner Of Healing?
- The Dangers Of Dispensationalism
- Is God For Us Or For Himself?
- Repenting On Behalf Of Our Nation
- The Doctrine Of Election
- The Perfect Healing
- Repetitive Prayers
- Two Calendars
- Church Goer Or Believer?
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Praying For A Child’s Salvation
- Why Did God Need A Chosen People?
- Prayer Warriors Confidentiality Agreement
- Praying For A Better Boss
- Prayer Of Impartation