Week in review November 11 2017

Our outreaches continue in India and Mexico!  And on the site, as always, we’re learning the Word. Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.

Here are pics of our kid’s group in Mexico:

And scenes from our Children’s Church in India:

Many of the kids were so excited, they wanted to stand to share how much they love Jesus and what He has done for them!  They shared their favorite verses. One girl memorized all 10 commandments. They all commented how much they have changed since giving their hearts to Jesus. How they love to help their parents and listen to them.

This is Raju. He shared his favorite Bible verses and said he no longer fears the dark because he knows Jesus is with him!

This mom said her child was crying all night with a severe earache. She remembered learning about the woman with an issue of blood who was healed by touching Jesus. She felt desperate and afraid and prayed and asked Jesus to heal her daughter. And an hour later her child was better and sleeping! Praise the Lord!


Because of your generosity, we were able to give them all blankets! We were going to save them for Christmas, but the weather turned very cold early this year, and most have only thin sheets. We’re now praying about what we should do for Christmas. This will be their first Christmas ever!

Group photos are always hard for the little ones!


Thank you so much for your support. Lives are being changed forever because of you! I am so grateful! Thank you for praying for us, for encouraging us, and sharing in this great work for the Lord!

As always, email or fill out our Contact form with questions, feedback, and suggestions.

Happy weekend and may the Lord richly bless you!


Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:


Commentary on the Psalms