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What Does Luke 21:24 Mean?
Published: November 7, 2016 (Originally published: November 13, 2006)What does Luke 21:24 mean?
Being Thankful
Published: November 11, 2016 (Originally published: October 26, 2011)Last month the Boy Scout Troup my 13 year old grandson belongs to had a fund raiser. He asked me to donate, and I gladly sent it to him. He has not indicated to me whether he received my donation nor has he expressed any thankfulness for it. How do I explain to him that he should be thankful for this gift in such a way that doesn’t seem like I’m placing a guilt trip on him. I want to make my point in a loving way so that he learns from this. As it says in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.
The Pharisee And The Tax Collector
Published: November 11, 2016 (Originally published: April 17, 2014)Re: Luke 18:9-14, the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. For whatever reason, I love this scripture, but at the same time, it scares me. I’m sure I’m to look at the very first part of the scripture for the context. But, I am thankful for so many things that could be part of my life but are not. I’m not on drugs or alcohol, I don’t commit crimes, etc. I know this is not from my own power, I know it is the Lord. But how can I pray to express my thankfulness for not being caught up in these lifestyles without it seeming that I’m exalting myself like the Pharisee?
Peter And The Rapture
Published: November 7, 2016 (Originally published: November 13, 2006)I was just reading (The End Times According To Peter) and it seems to me that in Peter’s letters he never mentions the Lord coming as in the Rapture but always looking for His second coming after the Tribulation and seems to be warning these Jewish Christians to endure and then describes what is going to happen right before He comes.
Is this why Peter says even so late in his life that Paul’s writings are hard to be understood. Wasn’t Peter looking for the Tribulation to begin and the Second Coming?
It just seems that way when you read the text. Jesus had told them of the promise of the earthly Kingdom all thru the Gospels, so it seems like he was holding out for that series of events according to all of the Old Test. prophecies of which the Church and the Rapture were hidden. What do you think?
Pointless Faith?
Published: November 7, 2016 (Originally published: November 14, 2006)One question that my husband and I have been pondering since we heard a recent teaching on television concerning faith. We know that faith is a gift from God. And that w/out faith it is impossible to please God. But is faith required in order for God to move in our lives?
The teacher on television stated that “Faith does not move God” and it kind of sent my spouse in a tailspin :). The Word states that Faith pleases God. The teacher did well in showing how what God has already provided thru GRACE that we don’t need faith to “move” God or make Him do what we want because it has already been provided. I have tried to explain this to my spouse but he is still not clear and he’s just stuck on thinking that having faith, then, is pointless. Can you respond 🙂 Thanks!
God The Trickster?
Published: November 3, 2016 (Originally published: November 15, 2006)I was reading a web site about an African pastor who was resurrected from the dead after being dead over 40 hours. He states he was told that if he had stayed dead he would have gone to hell because he would not forgive his wife for slapping his face even after she said she was sorry and wanted to reconcile.
Reading this scared me very badly. I have been trying to be absolutely sure there is no one left that I have not forgiven for any thing they might have done to me ever in my life and have prayed the Lord show me if there is still someone I have not forgiven. Is it possible that I believe that I am saved and could be sent to hell for something that I did not realize I was doing wrong? This is what is scaring me. That one day I will meet Jesus and He will say He doesn’t know me because of something I didn’t realize was wrong ! Would God do this to me?
Can We Perform Miracles?
Published: November 3, 2016 (Originally published: November 15, 2006)What exactly did Jesus mean when he said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John 14:12-14) Does this mean we should expect as true followers of Christ to perform miracles, healing, and all sorts of other things, just like Jesus?
The Sifting Of Peter
Published: November 3, 2016 (Originally published: November 16, 2006)When the devil asked to ‘sift Peter as wheat'(Luke 22:31) what exactly does it mean? Why would he want to do this?
I know that he also asked to persecute Job in the old testament and that God allowed this in order to cure Job of his self righteous attitude.Does this mean the devil has to ask permission to attack us directly, and if so are all our afflictions down to him?
Confronting A Sister In Law’s Infidelity
Published: November 3, 2016 (Originally published: November 18, 2006)My sister-in-law has told me that she’s in love with another man, other than her husband. She still claims to be a Christian, and does not feel that it is wrong to meet with the other man and have a relationship with him. I have prayed for her and I know in my heart this is not right. What should I do? Keep my nose out? I have told her that it is wrong and gave her Bible scripture but she still continues, and it has gotten to the place where it is has caused friction within the family, the ones that she has told. She hasn’t told her husband, so what can we do as a family to stop this before she destroys her own family (she has two beautiful children)? I don’t feel like I can go to our pastor because of it being an embarrassment to the family. We need prayer and guidance.
What’s Heaven Like?
Published: November 7, 2016 (Originally published: November 19, 2006)Thank you for your wonderful site. I would appreciate your opinion concerning heaven – will heaven be ‘out there’ somewhere as we usually point upward, or will it be on the refreshed, cleansed new earth spoken in the bible? Will the New Jerusalem be a city on the new earth where God dwells and will there be believers outside the city who are able to go in and out of it? Will we be working, such as planting, harvesting, creating art, etc. all to the glory of God or what will we be doing?