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Joining A Church
Published: March 6, 2016 (Originally published: March 12, 2016)In the home study group I attend, we discovered that I was the only one who has become a member of our church. Everyone else has attended this church for at least three years, but no one else has made a commitment to join it. Other than Hebrews 10:25 that commands us not to cease having fellowship together, are there any places in the Bible that call for joining a particular congregation?
Baptizing My Children
Published: March 6, 2016 (Originally published: March 12, 2016)I truly admire and respect your knowledge, research, articles, and question/answer forum. You are AWESOME!! I just have a question that pertains to baptism, which is very personal for my family.
My two teen aged boys, and my ten-year old daughter were sprinkle-baptized in our church numerous years ago. But since that was before their age of accountability, I have been suggesting to them that they make this ultimate profession of their faith on their own (by being submerged). They are very receptive to this idea, but since we are not tied to any specific church, my wife suggested that I baptize them myself in our swimming pool. Although I know the verses that pertain to this symbolic ceremony, I am not legally ordained or qualified to perform this very important act of submission.
We discuss Bible events and prophecies more at home than we ever hear preached in the Church, but I do not feel that I am qualified. Do you think that I should leave this to professionals?
Thank you for being such a wonderful, shining light to sojourners awaiting to be brought back home soon!!
Born Again Again
Published: March 6, 2016 (Originally published: March 12, 2016)I have a friend who is struggling with some issues about salvation and hell. He asked me the other day if there truly is a hell, since he cannot imagine a loving God, full of mercy and Grace, leaving one of his own to suffer in eternal punishment. I think he is struggling with his own fear of not being saved. He does believe that Jesus died for him and paid for his sins, so I told him he was saved. But he replied that he had no different feelings after wards, like the born again experience some get, so my saying he is saved was not good enough for him. Are there any scriptures that I can use with him to better explain this?
Honor Parents Or Obey God?
Published: March 6, 2016 (Originally published: March 11, 2016)I have a chance to go on a short-term missionary trip with my church and I want to go and even feel like I’m called to go. But my parents does not want me to go (I’m a college student). So in this case, does the commandment “honor thy parents” take precedence over Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations”?
Apostasy Or Rapture?
Published: March 6, 2016 (Originally published: March 11, 2016)Thank you for your insight! I glean your site 7 days a week. I was watching a well known Bible teacher on tv today, and he referred to 2 Thes. 2:3, and said that the “falling away” was the rapture of the Church. However, I looked up “falling away” in my Strong’s concordance, and # 646 says “Apostasia.” Am I missing something here?
The Family Of Moses
Published: March 6, 2016 (Originally published: March 10, 2016)My daughter sent the following in an email, and I’m not comfortable with my proposed answer. Help!
“I’m a little stumped about Numbers 26:59—“and the name of Amran’s wife was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt,”—
Is this literally saying that Jochebed was Levi’s real daughter? Because that would put Jochebed, Amran and Moses, Aaron and Miriam about 400 years before we see them in Exodus, or more literally, right at the time of Joseph. In other words this wording makes it seem like Moses is the grandson of Levi.”
Thank you for your explanations for the Church everywhere.
An Error In The King James?
Published: March 12, 2016 (Originally published: March 13, 2016)My question today is why is the word Easter used in Acts 12:4 in the KJV? It is used for the Greek word Pascha (which is the paschal lamb) used in the password meal. I thought that Easter had its roots in paganism, so why would the KJ have used it?
OSAS And The Unfaithful Servant
Published: March 6, 2016 (Originally published: March 9, 2016)Matthew 24 verses 44 onwards speaks of an unfaithful servant who is not watching for the return of his master. As a result he will be banished to a place where there is ‘weeping and gnashing of teeth’ amongst the hypocrites. What do you make of this in light of ‘once saved always saved?’
Comfort Not Condemnation
Published: March 6, 2016 (Originally published: March 10, 2016)A friend had a sister that was killed in an accident, she was 18 years old. I had made a comment that it’s a shame when someone dies and they have not accepted Jesus as their Savior and they go to Hell for eternity. She was very upset with me and told me that God would never allow an 18 year old to go to Hell, because the young lady was drunk and didn’t know what she was doing. She had had problems with drugs and alcohol so it wasn’t her fault. What do you think?
Dating The Crucifixion
Published: March 6, 2016 (Originally published: March 10, 2016)Thank you again, Jack, for your wonderful work that you do for our dear Lord. You are truly advancing His Kingdom through your work.
I have another question for you. I am curious as to the exact date that Jesus was crucified. Awhile back, I read an article on your site, I believe it was in Ask A Bible Teacher, in which someone gave the dates of His crucifixion, the date of his burial, resurrection, ascension. I couldn’t find that particular article on your site.
One other question if I may. How many years ago did He die for us?
I am asking these questions because my 20 year old son is asking me questions, and is searching for answers. Sadly, he has not come to Christ for salvation….along with my 18 year old daughter. I just feel that the Lord has put this burden on my heart to do whatever I can to lead them both to the Lord. Please join me and my brothers and sisters in Christ in praying for them. Thank you so much, Jack.