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Today's Bible Q&A

  • Why Did The Officials Need Judas?

    Great site, thanks for all your insight.

    I have a follow-up query about Judas. It would seem from the gospels that during Jesus’ ‘travels’ he came across many of the Jewish leaders , Pharisees, etc, and in fact was questioned and tested by them on several occasions. As they considered Jesus to be a threat to them, they possibly also had ‘spies’ keeping track of where Jesus was and what he was doing. In light of this I have often wondered why they needed Judas to ‘identify’ Jesus and tell the guards/officials where he was so they could arrest him, as surely they already knew what he looked like and where he could be found?

  • Why Did Judas Betray The Lord, Follow-Up

    It has always seemed to me that Judas had a purpose in life and that was to be the betrayer, and I see this this way because of the man born blind so that Jesus could give him sight to bring glory to the Father. The blind man could do nothing about his condition as only Jesus could do that, and maybe Judas was born to be the betrayer, and could do nothing else, but once done the darkness he lived in lifted away and for the first time realized what had been done, was so remorseful that he could not face himself and took his own life. I would like to believe he asked for forgivness and salvation as he prepared to die.

  • A Slave To Fear

    I am saved and attend a great church, but lately I have been battling with fear. I search in the word of God for verses on fear and I read that we should not be afraid but somehow I continue to do so. I have tried to not fear some things and I find myself in the same place. I know the word of God, I know that he is faithful. So why am I afraid, why is the fear still there? I’m tired of fearing these things, I want to let them go.

    What is it that I’m doing wrong. Please, it drives me crazy when I know that God is forever merciful and loving. Why? I don’t understand why I feel this way. I have made him my savior and I’m his child. I’m tired. I want to let go. I have prayed about it. I really have. I have cried myself to sleep sometimes because I don’t want to be afraid. If God offers peace what is wrong with me? Help me please.

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Friday, April 26, 2024

This week in India 4-25-24

Feature Article

Seven Churches of Rev. 2 and 3: Congregations

In recent articles, we’ve focused on the prophetic nature of the seven letters of Revelation 2-3. Now let’s shift to another level of application. I’ve offered the opinion that all the letters are applicable to all congregations throughout the church age and to each member of those congregations. The challenges and promises that end the letters are to individuals, so the criticism found in the letters is meant to be taken personally, not just corporately.

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Previous Feature Article

Revelation 2-3: 7 Letters To 7 Churches, Part 3

Philadelphia and Laodicea. The conclusion to our study on the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation 2 and 3.

Our Outreach Work

India Outreach – Children’s Church!

It’s official! We’ve begun a Children’s Church for the tribe we’ve been serving in India. Our Spring Bible School outreach was such a success, the tribe asked us to keep coming every week to minister to the children. After much prayer, we’re moving forward!

Feature eBook

Bible Stories for Adults

**Print version now available on Amazon!

Volumes I &II, Old and New Testament stories.
Jack published the Old Testament stories in 2004, and by the time he was ready to ready to publish the New Testament stories, he wanted to release them in one volume.

Now, I am so blessed to present to you Jack’s teachings on the children’s stories in the Bible. In this new book, including Volumes I and II—the Old Testament and New Testament—you’ll discover how the language, customs, and culture of biblical times will help you grow in a more mature understanding of these timeless children’s stories. I’m excited for you! The details and symbolism of these stories are about to make the Word of God come alive in your heart. Prepare to have your faith strengthened as you grow closer to the Lord.
♥ Samantha Kelley

⇒You can now purchase a print version from Amazon here. Please leave a review on Amazon once you’ve read it!

⇓Click on one of the three formats below to download now for free.

Feature Audio Study

The Incomparable Riches of His Grace

This study is for believers and non-believers alike.  It describes three things in detail.  What the Lord has done for us in the past, what He’s doing now, and what He’s preparing to do in the future.  And it’s all free for the asking, no matter who we are or where we’ve come from.  Feel free to download this and share it with friends and family.