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Outer Most Parts Of Heaven

Published: December 30, 2015 (Originally published: December 30, 2015)

What a time to be alive and studying the Word of God!!

Could you explain what is meant in Deut. 30:4 by the phrase, outer most parts of heaven, would this be heaven but away from God?

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A Prophet Like Moses

Published: December 21, 2015 (Originally published: December 29, 2015)

I just read an article that claims that the Bible has some prophecies about the prophet to come after Moses in the form of Mohamed. Have you heard something like that perhaps? I cannot remember the actual chapter and verse this Muslim quoted but he says its in the Old Testament.

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Will They Still Be Saved?

Published: December 21, 2015 (Originally published: December 29, 2015)

I know the Church is unconditionally saved and we are the only group to be so blessed. This means that if a true believer during the church age committed suicide they would still be saved, albeit lose all their rewards. What about the believer during the tribulation who may be so despaired that they commit suicide. Would they still be saved?

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What Happens To Our Bodies?

Published: December 21, 2015 (Originally published: December 30, 2015)

Here is my question. When we are raptured, what happens to our current body? In the movies and just in general the thought is we will just disappear. Will our bodies be left where they are at the time of the rapture, or will they disappear?

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Hug For The Day

Published: December 21, 2015 (Originally published: December 28, 2015)

I know that throughout scripture, we are told in what ways society will erode and decay until Jesus returns to collect His Church. Daily I find myself, mouth agape with news of how the world considers “evil as good and good as evil”. I know these things signal the closeness of Jesus’ return. While this excites me, I am saddened and angered by the foolishness, and at times even frightened by the expanding lawlessness. I pray daily that Jesus will extend protection to His children who are caught in the middle of all the madness. Yet I read and hear reports of Christians who are badly mistreated even to death all over the world. I am not sure what is the question I want to ask. I guess I just need for Jesus to show up every now and then and give me a hug and say, “Everything will be alright.” Am I alone in feeling this way?

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Dual Fulfillment Prophecies

Published: December 21, 2015 (Originally published: December 24, 2015)

“Regarding Prophecy – what is the significance of Prophecy that is fulfilled twice ( ie Historically and Futuristically) – the Abomination of Desolation occurred in AD70 and will occur in the future also the Roman Empire was in charge in the time of Jesus and will be in the future does this mean that the end times will be a repeat of the time Jesus was on earth ? What other prophecies do you think are dual fulfilled?”

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Is Matt. 24:9-14 For The Church?

Published: December 21, 2015 (Originally published: December 26, 2015)

Unfortunately for me, I believe that Mathew 24:9-14 is all pre-trib, pre-rapture and coming very soon. There sure won’t be ‘many’ false prophets running around during the tribulation, maybe one. God sure didn’t spare Israel from wrath. Crazy thing is my pre-trib philosophy excluded a possibility that God is angry at the U.S. And when He gets angry people die, and being God, He may not wait until the Tribulation to settle up. This warm fuzzy pre-trib business may end soon. Few are prepared. Fewer are speaking about it.

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Will We See God?

Published: December 21, 2015 (Originally published: December 23, 2015)

When we are in heaven, will we see the God head in physical form?

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Peaceful And Unsuspecting?

Published: December 21, 2015 (Originally published: December 22, 2015)

I was reading Ezekiel 38 because I believe that this battle has been projected to start the 70th weeks of Daniel. I am particularly interested in Russia’s role in Ezekiel 38. But, what confuses me is in two places it says that Israel will be in peace when the armies of Ezekiel 38 swoop down on it. How can that ever happen until the Anti-Christ signs a treaty that supposedly will restrain ISIS and radical groups now attacking Israel? Is the peace referred to in Ezekiel 38 really peace as we think of it?

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Entertaining Angels

Published: December 13, 2015 (Originally published: December 14, 2015)

Hebrews 13:2 says we may have possibly entertained angels and not known it. What would God’s purpose have been for doing this? Is it some sort of test? God knows the end from the beginning, (in this case knowing the outcome of the meeting as far as what our reaction to, and our treatment of the angel will be). So, could it be that we are to learn something from him? This has always intrigued me and I really don’t have a clue as to why God would set up this meeting.