Of all the so-called holy books, only the Bible authenticates itself. It does so through a method we call predictive prophecy and it works like this.
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Was Jesus A Carpenter?
My husband told me today that he was watching some rerun of a news show on the internet and a “biblical scholar” (who, I don’t know) said that Jesus and Joseph weren’t necessarily carpenters. The original language of the Bible said they “worked with their hands” and that could mean mason, carpenter… Do you know what the correct translation is? I think my husband feels that our Bible translations can’t be trusted if the original translators didn’t get it right. Thank you so much!
Exodus 6:6-7 And The New Testament Cups
In Matt. 20:22-23 Jesus asked if James and John could drink the cup that He was to drink. In 1 Cor. 10:16 Paul referred to participation in the Lord’s death as our cup of blessing, and in verse 21 accused the Corinthians of trying to drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. How does this tie to Exodus 6:6-7?
Three Temples Or Four?
I am struggling with the 3rd temple predictions. When I read your article it all seems clear in my mind, but when I check against other peoples opinions (all from on-line sources), I get jumbled again.
One theory I read stated that there could be a fourth temple. Soon after Ezekiel’s war a 3rd temple is built with MOST people predicting it will be in Jerusalem, on or near the Temple Mount. Could the possibility exist that the Temple Ezekiel describes in 40 really be a 4th temple built for the Millennial Kingdom, by the Lord in Shiloh, which would validate a 3rd temple built by the Jews proceeding Messiah’s return being completely destroyed in the great earthquake after Armageddon? What am I missing, or just not grasping?