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Today's Bible Q&A

  • Loving Our Enemies

    Loving our enemies is one of the toughest of demands that we are bid to do. Often we are total failures when we must love our enemies, those who have wronged us in some way, and often they are even professing to be Christians. When we are to love our enemies, how are we to do it? From a distance, or openly for all to see?

  • Is The USA In Bible Prophecy?

    I have a hard time believing that we can’t see the USA in prophecy. This country is way too influential and center stage/unique to overlook and to ignore these facts is like being blinded to a major truth. It also seems possible that this country could represent the great whore in the bible, because of the trade, commerce intertwining with the other countries and I wonder if this is the place that will be mourned at some point because of destruction, either financial ruin or other destruction. In other words, I think that this country could be the new Babylon.

  • More On The USA In Prophecy

    I was reading on another Christian web site some of the reasons why the US is not mentioned in Bible prophecy. One reason is that the US could have such an economic collapse that we wouldn’t be considered a world power any longer. Also possibly Russia or Iran might attack us with EMP weapons prior to their attack on Israel to prevent us from aiding Israel. Then there’s the possibility that the Rapture would have such a devastating effect on the US we would no longer be considered a world power.

    I’ve looked around your web site and don’t seem to find any information on what you think might be the reason the US is not mentioned in Bible prophecy. Could you please discuss what you think is the reason(s) we are not mentioned in Bible prophecy?

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The Promise of Things To Come

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.
Hebr. 11:1-2

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India Outreach – Children’s Church!

It’s official! We’ve begun a Children’s Church for the tribe we’ve been serving in India. Our Spring Bible School outreach was such a success, the tribe asked us to keep coming every week to minister to the children. After much prayer, we’re moving forward!

Feature eBook

Bible Stories for Adults

**Print version now available on Amazon!

Volumes I &II, Old and New Testament stories.
Jack published the Old Testament stories in 2004, and by the time he was ready to ready to publish the New Testament stories, he wanted to release them in one volume.

Now, I am so blessed to present to you Jack’s teachings on the children’s stories in the Bible. In this new book, including Volumes I and II—the Old Testament and New Testament—you’ll discover how the language, customs, and culture of biblical times will help you grow in a more mature understanding of these timeless children’s stories. I’m excited for you! The details and symbolism of these stories are about to make the Word of God come alive in your heart. Prepare to have your faith strengthened as you grow closer to the Lord.
♥ Samantha Kelley

⇒You can now purchase a print version from Amazon here. Please leave a review on Amazon once you’ve read it!

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Feature Audio Study

The Incomparable Riches of His Grace

This study is for believers and non-believers alike.  It describes three things in detail.  What the Lord has done for us in the past, what He’s doing now, and what He’s preparing to do in the future.  And it’s all free for the asking, no matter who we are or where we’ve come from.  Feel free to download this and share it with friends and family.