Ask a Bible Teacher

Only One More Pope?

Published: October 4, 2006

The Bible doesn’t say anything about popes so where do we get the idea that this pope is the 2nd to the last one of the End Times?

Israel’s Resurrection

Published: October 2, 2006

I really enjoyed your recent article about Daniel 11/12. Very insightful.

In this article, you wrote, “As He returns to save them and set up His Kingdom, the faithful of Israel’s past will come out of the ground to receive the promise they died believing, that God would one day send a redeemer to pay for their sins so that He could dwell with them forever. ”

I thought that Christ went to paradise to remove these people after His resurrection and took them to Heaven. Am I missing something here?

Can A Deaf Mute Be Saved?

Published: October 2, 2006

I have a friend who has been deaf since birth and cannot speak. I have taken her and her children to my church a couple of times and a lady there signs the service to her. She appears to understand the messages but I don’t believe she is saved. When reading Romans 10:10 it says we believe with our heart but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Since she cannot speak how can she be truly saved or am I way off base here? Thanks!

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Published: October 2, 2006

Can you please tell me about the Jehovah’s Witnesses? I really need some sound information on why they are a false religion. They scare me, they are very persistent and seem so sincere and convincing.

Teachings Of Herbert W. Armstrong

Published: October 1, 2006

I read somewhere that the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong are (don’t know how to put it exactly) but lets say, not exactly according to biblical truth. Is this so – should his teachings and/or organizations teachings be avoided?

Israel’s Captivity

Published: October 1, 2006

God bless you and your family, you have been a great and constant voice for Lord!

I have this question: how long exactly has Israel been in captivity? Do we have records of this or is the information you have in your article “Happy New Year 5764!” everything?

Thank you so much for your time and patience! Peace of Christ!


Published: September 27, 2006

First of all I would like to thank you for a wonderful website. Your answers are very down to earth and easy to understand as well as following scripture to the letter.

My questions are concerning the falling away? referred to by Paul in 2Thessalonians 2:3. What exactly is the falling away? and what is the timing of this in reference to the rapture and tribulation?

I have heard many bible teachers say that this is occurring at this time with many churches trying to redefine the Gospel to a more secular world view. They also site the ecumenical movement back to the Roman Church which has clearly moved away from the simple Gospel written in the Bible. Although the Roman Church had started moving away from the Gospel many centuries ago and this falling away has been going on for as long as the Church has been in existence. Did Paul mean that this would occur just before the end or would increase as the end approached?

I have seen in recent years, teachers who were very Bible based in their teaching, redefine their views to be in line with these so called new approaches and ecumenism in the spreading of the Gospel, men who spent their whole lives dedicated to the tuth suddenly change their minds. Does this mean that the people involved in these things are not saved or were never saved? I am very concerned with these things since Jesus has said that the Father would not let those He has given to Jesus be plucked out of His hand. If this is so than we must be very very close to the time of the end. I can’t see this going on for very much longer. Thank you for your reply.

Who Gets Raptured?

Published: September 27, 2006

I have been reading your website everyday for about two months now. It was emailed to me as a link from a member of my Sunday school class. The first article I read was the Seven Major Prophetic signs of the Second Coming. After I read it I was hooked. I have read every article you have written on the rapture and prophecy related to current events. Thank you for your diligence and faithfulness to the Word.

I was looking through the FAQ section of (another site) and the author was fielding questions related to the rapture of children and anti pre-trib believers. He was suggesting that the children of unbelieving parents, as well as those who were against a pre-trib view of the rapture, would not be raptured.

For the record, I am a pre-trib believer who also believes that all children who have not yet reached the age of accountability will be raptured. I base this belief on Deuteronomy 1:39, “Moreover, your little ones who you said would become a prey, and your sons, who this day have no knowledge of good or evil, shall enter there, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it.”

I know this passage is not talking about the rapture, but to me it paints a picture of a God of grace who will judge each person according to his/her own choices and not the sins of the parents. If my application of this passage is correct it seems clear that God will most definitely rapture all children who have not yet reached the age of accountability. However, how do you reconcile this passage with other passages which talk about entire households being killed for the sins of the father (Achan, for example)?

Also, in reference to anti pre-trib believers not being raptured, I cannot find any support for this claim. Although I am confident based on your other articles that you agree with my view that they will most certainly be raptured with the rest of us, how would you answer someone who makes the claim that they will not be?

Thanks for you answers in advance. Again, I greatly appreciate your ministry.

Whose Kids Are Those?

Published: September 27, 2006

I understand that at the time of the Rapture we will be changed into our heavenly bodies because our earthly bodies are corrupt. During the Tribulation there will be those that are martyred and will go to Heaven. Will their bodies be changed also? During the thousand year Millennium will everybody live in the same area or will it be similar as today, people spread across the Earth? In one of your responses it said that ‘those children that are born during the Millennium’. I always understood that in Heaven, with our heavenly bodies, we will not be married. So who is going to procreate? And, after the thousand year Millennium what will happen?

Thank you very much for your website, I really enjoy it and have learned a lot from it.

Are Today’s Israelis “Real” Jews?

Published: September 25, 2006

In the Bible it says that God made a Covenant with Abraham. This Covenant was carried on to his descendants, (Gen.17:9) all the way to the 12 Tribes of Israel.

Abraham had a son named Ishmael. Being that Ishmael was a descendant of Shem and Heber, that would make him both a Semite AND a Hebrew. He is also the father of what we now know as Arabs.

With all this kept in mind…I not too long ago saw on TV, that DNA tests have shown, that the Jews that are coming from Eastern Europe and Russia have no connection at all to the Israelites. In fact, they are from the old Khazarist empire, and other places. Whom did not become Jews till about 750 AD.

My question is this…If over 90% of those making up the Nation of Israel now, are as DNA says not real Jews (from the tribe of Judah of the Org.12), have we not done the Devils work as we were warned by John in Rev.2:9 and 3:9, by making the nation in 1948?

If the Arabs are Semites and Hebrews….are we not compounding our sin even farther if we take the side of the people in the nation now named Israel when they go to war?

So from what I am getting here, is that the bloodlines in the Bible mean a LOT to Him. Should it not mean something to us also? As I am a new Christian, your thoughts and more experienced wisdom on this matter mean a lot to me.