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You searched for: Mormonism

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Are Mormons Saved?

Published: February 4, 2015 (Originally published: June 20, 2006)

Just wondering what exactly are the beliefs of Mormons? I have cousins who are devout Mormons and I have always found they have some weird beliefs (such as the ‘book of Mormon’ & prophets and what not).

However, they all seem to be good Christians – from what I understand, they still believe that Jesus is our Savior, despite their other ideas, (I’m not sure though). Would that mean that they are still saved or not? I’m just asking because in your answers to some other questions it sounds like they aren’t saved unless they are below the age of accountability.

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Are Mormons Really Saved? Follow Up

Published: May 30, 2007 (Originally published: May 30, 2007)

I love reading your articles. But regarding your answer to the question “Are Mormons really saved?” I would have to disagree. Besides the fact that Mormons believe in grace + works, they also have the wrong Jesus. They believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate distinct beings and that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers, along with everyone of us! From 1 John, it seems that if you have the wrong understanding of Jesus, you do not have the Father either.

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Ezekiel’s Sticks

Published: September 22, 2014 (Originally published: September 22, 2014)

In Ezekiel 37:16-28 God has the prophet take two sticks and join them together into one. What it the passage really about?

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Has She Lost Her Salvation?

Published: May 23, 2014 (Originally published: March 20, 2010)

My 20 year old niece who was saved and baptized in a Baptist church started dating a Mormon boy 2 months ago. Last week she announced she was becoming Mormon and was baptized Mormon. Does that mean she loses her salvation? Is that considered rejection of the Holy Spirit?

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What Does Ezekiel 37:15-21 Mean?

Published: March 16, 2014 (Originally published: February 15, 2014)

Some Mormon missionaries came to my door and in our discussion they brought up the passage from Ezekiel 37:15-21 claiming it means the writers of the book of Mormon are from the tribe of Joseph and the Bible is from Judah and God will one day join the two together. This doesn’t sit right with me. What does Ezekiel 37:15-21 actually mean?

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Are Mormons Really Saved?

Published: May 13, 2015 (Originally published: May 29, 2012)

I just became friends with someone at work who is a Mormon. She told me she believes Jesus died for her sins, but then later stated that when we die, we don’t go to Heaven to be with God (instead, they believe in lower levels of Heaven). She said the reason for this is because we are not worthy to be in God’s presence because of sin. So I am very confused, because those two statements completely contradict each other. Can someone be saved if they don’t believe that God’s forgiveness is eternal? Thank you for your input.

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What’s A Christian?

Published: May 7, 2014 (Originally published: June 4, 2012)

Are Mormons Christians?

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Mormon Eschatology

Published: March 2, 2007 (Originally published: March 2, 2007)

I came across an article and it made me realize that I have no idea what the LDS teach about the end times. Do you? With Mitt Romney running for president, it might be nice to know what he believes.

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Should I Stop Witnessing To Her?

Published: March 17, 2010 (Originally published: March 16, 2010)

This has been something that has been heavy on my heart and I wanted to ask you about it. My mother is a Mormon. She is 67 and converted to Mormonism at 17. A while back ago she and I were were in this discussion about Mormonism and Christianity on the phone. It did not go well at all. She stuck to her beliefs and I stuck to mine. My mother got mad and hung up on me. We do talk now but there is a line I don’t cross, meaning I keep my beliefs to myself.She told me there are errors in the Bible, she is firm in her beliefs, and that Mormons are the only true church. Should I no longer try and witness to her? Thank you for all you do. This website has been a blessing.

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How Do I Become Saved?

Published: November 22, 2016 (Originally published: November 17, 2010)

How do I become saved? What study bible do you recommend? My parents are Mormons and how do I witness to Mormons? But first I need to be saved.