A Closer Walk With Thee


I really don’t know how to word this question. I accidentally came across your website while searching for facts on a movie. I was surfing around, I came across this website, and maybe there was a reason, who knows.

My question is this. I was raised Catholic but I like the way Christianity goes about preaching the Word of God to its followers better. It makes sense to me the few times I have been to a Christian church and I can apply it to my everyday life easier.

I am 37, married with a beautiful 10 month old son. When I see people or hear of people who are “born again” it seems they all have turning points in their life that helped them establish their commitment to God.

What if you don’t have anything tragic going on in your life? I am happy with my life and my family and would never change a thing, but I have this desperate feeling that I need God in my life in a deeper way and I feel kinda helpless because I don’t know how to accomplish it.

I know that may sound strange, but is it as simple as saying to God that you put your faith in him as your savior and that’s all their is to it? Seems like that is too easy. Not like I am expecting some feeling of self cleansing or something, but after reading all these tragic pivotal moments in people’s lives who have been born again, I wondered what if you don’t have tragedy in your life as a pivotal decision making point?

I cannot explain this in words, but I honestly feel I have an ability to touch people in ways that most people cannot. I have always felt that I am supposed to do something in my life that affects many people in a positive way. I haven’t discovered it yet, but I know the day will come. A part of me feels very connected to God, but another part feels like I am on the outside looking in. What happens to someone that is different when they finally make the commitment to accept the Lord as their Savior? All these people with these pivotal moments in their life, what changes the day after they put their faith in God? How did they do it? Just say it?

Maybe I am looking for something more than is necessary, who knows. This message might not make sense, it is hard to put into words, but if nothing else it helps put my thoughts and feeling in writing. Thanks for giving me that chance.


For a long time now, I’ve suspected that God uses a two pronged approach to call us. The first is with blessings. He makes everything work in our favor, gives us every advantage, and puts us in the right place at the right time to “cash in” on opportunities. His desire is that we’ll realize that we’re not accomplishing such success on our own and turn to Him in gratitude. Some people respond to this and bow before Him with praise and thanksgiving, dedicating their lives to Him in gratitude.

Unfortunately many people go on a big ego trip when this happens, thinking they did it all themselves. So in order to get their attention He has to implement phase two. He does this by withdrawing His favor, making everything that had gone right now go wrong. This has the effect of humbling the proud and bringing them to their knees for help. Then He restores them.

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was a good example of this. (Daniel 2 & 4) God gave him command over the whole world and he became insufferably proud. So God humbled him by withdrawing. Nebuchadnezzar contracted a disease of the mind that makes its victims think they’re animals. It took 7 years of living in a pasture and eating grass for Nebuchadnezzar to become humble enough to ask God for help. When he did he was healed and restored to leadership.

Regardless of which path they took to the Throne of God, everyone experiences peace when they arrive. But my point is that you don’t have to suffer a disaster to become a believer and have a close relationship with God. It just takes that to break some people of their pride. If your life is perfect save for God’s presence, try applying Romans 12:1-2. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Start giving Him credit for everything, large or small. If you’re not saved, become so. It’s as simple as admitting to God that you’re a sinner in need of a savior, that you believe He died for your sins, and you desire a personal relationship with Him. Ask Him to forgive you for your sins and be your savior, and to come into your heart to guide you along the path He has set before you.

After you’ve done this, begin seeking His direction in even the little decisions, not doing anything until you think He’s given you some input. Make a conscious effort to do things that you believe will please Him.

As you put these steps into practice, you’ll find yourself beginning to experience the closeness you’re seeking, and you’ll have done it without having to endure a catastrophe in the process.