Am I Doing The Right Thing?


I have a question regarding a calling I thought I had from the Lord but now I’m not as sure as I was. I am a gospel singer. In 2003 I really thought the Lord had called me to sing full time but it has not come to pass. Since that time some doors have opened for me. My favorite is a sports ministry. On Sunday mornings I am allowed to go to softball complexes and and am given a half hour to sing and speak. I am not a preacher but give my testimony, let them know that Jesus loves them and died for them and will save them if they will just believe on him no-matter who they are or what they have done. I usually quote John 3:16 and sometimes a couple more and then give them the opportunity to receive Christ. It has been amazing how many have come to the Lord through this ministry.

I have never made a charge for this ministry and don’t want to. I’m not saying it is wrong for others to charge, but it sickens me to even think about it. Some give but nowhere near enough. I write my own songs and have recorded a couple of Cd’s. I sell some of them but end up giving away more than I sell. I think I will just keep doing what I am doing because I know nothing is more important than winning souls to Christ. Would you go about it a different way if you were me? By the way I work the same job I have had for 26 years but the company is now about to go out of business. Will you please pray the Lord will take care of my family?


Many people, myself included, have had an experience very similar to yours. If you’re convinced the Lord has called you into ministry then stick with it. He will reward your faithfulness. He knows your needs and has promised to meet them if you seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. We will, of course, pray for you. (Matt. 6:25, 33)