Generosity And Giving


In regards to generosity and giving, in Luke 6 30-35, does Jesus really teach we should give to every panhandler that comes our way; in regards to lending does it mean that Christians cannot be in the banking business? This seems to be the literal interpretation, but what other way is there to look at this?


If we first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, the Lord has promised to meet all our needs (Matt. 6:31-33). And in His opinion the money we have came from Him. In Deut. 8:17-18 He said,

You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”

If He wants us to be generous with His money by giving to everyone who asks, that means He’ll be generous in replenishing it. In Luke 6:38 He said the measure we use in giving will determine the measure He uses in replenishing.

His reference to lending wasn’t about being in the banking business, it was person-to-person lending. He said if you lend money to someone do so without any expectation of getting it back. Once again, it’s His money that’s not being repaid. If you think of it like you would think of a gift then He’ll replenish it.

Many people like to be sure a person who asks for a handout deserves it, or will use it for the stated purpose. But that puts them in the position of being that person’s judge. The Bible warns us not to judge unless we want to be judged (Matt. 7:1-2). The Lord will hold the person accountable for how the money is used.

Once you get used to the idea that the Lord is using you to distribute His money these problems go away.