Christmas Outreaches in Mexico 1-6-23

Here are our Christmas outreaches in Mexico!
Quick links to the other parts this week:
It’s been an incredible Christmas season! Thanks to all of you who gave and prayed, all our Christmas outreaches were a resounding success! Even when we had more kids than we expected, the Lord multiplied what we had and made it enough. ♥ We had a Christmas party with our Escuelita kids after school group. We brought groceries to families in every area we serve, ensuring that each family has enough staples and enough extras for a traditional Christmas dinner! Here in Mexico, that’s tamales and posole. Each child we serve was sponsored and received a special Christmas gift! We were given Christmas message books in Spanish to give to families along with each grocery bag too!
It takes months of planning and preparing so that we can have it all delivered by Christmas Eve night. Thank you so much for your prayers and support that make this possible!
Christmas Groceries
Along with our volunteers, some of our kids from our Escuelita helped us pack up grocery bags!
At the refugee camp
We never know how many kids will be at the refugee camp when we go, but we know they could use blankets! So we got blankets ready to give to any kids we knew might be cold this season.
We brought groceries for each family, blankets for each child, and t-shirts and donuts for all!
Each time the San Diego zoo updates their shirts, one of their workers gives us the surplus! So you’ll see a lot of fun, bright blue shirts in this post! They also gave us water bottles you’ll see in some of the pics.
More Christmas Gifts!
After visiting the refugee camp, which is an hour north of us, we continued south. These kids live in an area in between the refugee camp and our Escuelita. You may remember them from when we repaired the roof (see that post here )
These twins below were born right after their mom was widowed. We are so blessed to be in their lives and see the faithfulness of God in this family’s life.
The young girl on the left works at a corner store to provide for her disabled mom and two sisters. Our volunteer met her while in the store and we knew we had been sent there to bring them God’s love and provision. ♥
These two little ones are new friends we just met when our volunteer brought them to our Escuelita! I’m so grateful we met them just in time for Christmas!
Our Escueltia kids all together! The ones who aren’t sick!
Our Escuelita Christmas Party
We had our school Christmas party with pizza and a piñata! Whenever we have a party that calls for a piñata, I make up little candy bags for each of the kids too! This limits the desperate dives for candy as it falls out of the piñata while a kid wildly swings a wooden stick. The kids know they’ll get candy, and so the candy that falls out is just a bonus. No one has gotten hurt since we started this!
Thank you so much for praying with us for those we serve together!
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha