This week in India 10-10-20

Happy weekend everyone! I’m so excited to share the pics with you this week! Do you remember when we used to count the weeks in quarantine? It’s been so long. But we’ve been able to create a new kind of normal finally. The kids have settled into the new rhythm. And I absolutely love that all the boarding school kids are home! Families are reunited, and all the kids are living and learning together. This is one of the most beautiful blessings in the midst of all this hard and crazy time.
Quick links to the other parts this week:
I’m so grateful for all your generosity that makes all this possible. At the beginning of the pandemic when the needs skyrocketed, it was a little scary to think of all it would take get everyone through this. Making sure no one would starve, and then later adding schooling responsibilities!! But God is always faithful. And I love that we get to show His faithfulness every week.
And I love that God is showing all of us, all over the world, His love, His faithfulness, and His provision. All our workers, you all who pray and give, and the families we serve who didn’t see any way they would make it through this time. God is so good, and so generous, and so very faithful.
Groceries for each family
We were able to give each family a bag of groceries again this week!
Our Sunday Service
We still have multiple services so we can keep the groups that live in different villages quarantined apart. We put the photos together because even though we’re apart physically, we’re together in spirit!
Even though our kids haven’t been in school as long as their peers, they are doing remarkably well! The girl below has been working so hard in maths, and is ready before the rest in her group to learn her multiplication tables! So our volunteers got her a special workbook to learn.
Look at little Joel! He is growing and doing so well!
School Classes
This week, our volunteer made and brought a special lunch for all the kids! I’m so grateful the Lord has brought us volunteers who love these kids as much as I do! Who count it a blessing to serve them, and do life with them.
All the people the Lord brings to us are incredible. Our readers, intercessors, and donors, our volunteers, and those we serve are a blessing. Those who join with us, those who come alongside us, those we serve with, and those we serve. Absolutely delightful. And I’m overwhelmingly grateful. Thank you!
Crafts together! Bringing creativity to their lives was such a blessing. Do you remember back when we had the Adult Literacy Center, teaching the moms to read each night after work? We did crafts outside with the kids while the moms learned. And it was then we realized that in extreme poverty, creativity is a luxury they don’t get. It was the first time they had paper and crayons and got to be creative. And I think it’s such an important part of who we are. We are made in the image of our Creator who is the most creative being! I think it blesses Him when we use the creative gifts He gives us.
In this class, the kids learned about Revalation 3:20: Behold I stand at the door and knock. I love that alongside academics, we can add in other things the kids are interested in too, like Bible classes and craft time! Also, since the kids are the first generation in their families to attend school, they don’t take it for granted. They are excited each day to learn. They know what a privilege it is!
Christmas crafts!
The kids are excited to start making Christmas crafts! They wish they could make cards as thank yous for all those who give so that they can live! They understand all is a gift from God, and also that He prompts the hearts of people all over the world to care for them. They always mention how in awe they are about this! That they are loved and cared for by their Creator, through the provision of their spiritual family all over the world.
Here they are picking out leaves for a diagram for Science class. Also English, because the wanted to do it in English. Before, only the kids in the boarding school had English classes, and now we’re able to give classes to all our kids together. The kids who were in the local schools are so excited about this opportunity.
Making lunch for our kids!
Here’s what they made with those leaves!
Learning about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead!
Along with other crafts, the kids made a spinning wheel in honor of Gandhi’s birthday. Gandhi used a portable spinning wheel while in prison. It brought him comfort and then later became a symbol of India’s independence. He wanted everyone to learn to use it and to actively use it. It allowed families to create their own cloth and not be dependant on foreign goods. And it helped people slow down and train themselves to learn to love the repetitive, boring tasks that make up our lives. He wanted everyone to learn to spin and to actively use it daily.
At the villages
Prayer time at night in the villages!
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha