This week in India 6-19-21

Hospital visits and more covid testing and snake season again. Come see glimpses of our week in India.
Quick links to the other parts this week:
Our volunteer was back at the hospital this week for a follow-up. She was first there for recurring pain in her ear. They did some tests and said her bloodwork shows autoimmune disease. That’s all we know right now. Please pray with us for her
Covid testing again!
There was a large outbreak near the Prayer House Village, so the government brought people to test everyone in the village. We haven’t gotten the results back yet, but no one is showing any symptoms!
Snake deterrent
It’s that time of year again! Where we pray away the deadly vipers. We’ve spotted a few snakes already. We were able to get some recommended poison to lay down around each hut and building. And we’ve placed it all around each village and hut. Please pray with us for protection for each person from these deadly snakes.
For those who are new, last year nothing worked but prayer! And then it worked so well that the rats were too many and they destroyed the coverings of every single hut. We had to replace them all! The year before that, little Joel’s aunt was killed by a snake. The venom kills before anyone can get to the hospital. Then last year, one woman was bit and the whole group rallied around her and prayed and she survived!
( here is that post! Snake Bite Healed!)
Pray with us for this season, for protection for each person
Leadership prayer and planning
I love seeing God raise up leaders. There are always some in our outreaches that we have served, who step up and start serving alongside us. It’s incredible to witness every single time. It’s amazing to see lives transformed, and leaders grown in the soil of service and our upside-down values that try to imitate Jesus. This is the Body and we all have a function and role that we are meant for. Everyone is needed. There are no bystanders or audience members in Christianity!
At the villages this week
Our volunteers spend time each week at the villages, as they can during lockdown. They bring groceries, and toiletries, and pray and fellowship together.
Little Joel’s Village
Manjunath’s Village
Look at Manju showing us how he climbs the trees for jackfruit!
Prayer House Village
Our volunteer arrived in time and watched this little one helping her mom wash the dishes!
Nightly prayer and worship
School supplies and activities
School Classes
It’s so great being able to have classes again. The kids are thrilled! We had a fun, full week with classes and crafts.
Sewing Classes
And we are able to have our sewing classes again!
Grocery Prep
Each week, a good portion of our time is devoted to getting groceries in bulk, packaging them up for each family, and handing them out.
We were able to get milk powder for all the kids again!
Groceries for each family and toiletries for the kids
Our Sunday Service
Each Sunday the adults stand to share praises of what the Lord has done for them during the week.
And the kids jump up to repeat their memory verses!
Celebrating birthdays!
Fun after Church
We were able to get some activities and toys for the kids! And, like kids all over the world, sometimes they just want to play with construction materials outside!
And that’s our week in India! Thank you for praying, for your love and support of those we serve together.
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha