This week in India 6-27-24

Updates from our outreaches! Since our last update, one of our kids was saved after being abducted, and our Sunday School Classes have moved offsite due to rising anti-Christian groups near us. Thank you for keeping our outreaches covered in prayer!
Quick links to the other parts this week:
Vijay saved from kidnappers!
The village got very worried when Vijay (being prayed for in the pic above) didn’t make it home from school. He had left school but had not made it home. No one could find him. No one knew where he could have gone. I woke up to texts asking for prayer, saying it was now becoming night, he hadn’t come home, and everyone was very worried. After that, there were texts with the amazing news that he had been found and that his parents were on the way to get him. Later, we got the details of what had happened.
It turned out that Vijay had been abducted by three people who had offered to take him home. When they sped off in the opposite direction after he got into the car, he realized they weren’t taking him home. He began to panic, cry, and pray.
After hours of driving, he spotted a Catholic Church ahead and had the thought to ask the abductors if he could pray there. Surprisingly, they agreed and stopped! He ran into the church and told the priest what was happening, and the priest reassured him that he would now be safe.
The car fled soon after Vijay ran out. It’s scary to think of what their intentions could have been. I pray they had their own “come to Jesus” experience that shook them and that they will come out of this changed—in both actions and hearts. I pray they will be moved to seek Jesus and to protect children instead of exploiting them.
Vijay stayed with the priest until his parents could get there. He was still very shaken but so grateful to be going home! He told them that Jesus saved him and guided him on what to do. He said it had to be God’s power that influenced the abductors to stop and let him pray.
I’ve never been more grateful for churches whose doors are always open than now!
Thank you Jesus for protecting this little one. Thank you for your influence on all involved and that they listened! Thank you for a church with open doors and an available person of God. Thank you for bringing us a group that prays!
We see each week how lives are changed because of the prayers and generosity of you all here. And today is an incredible example of this. Thank you SO MUCH for keeping all we serve covered in prayer. It matters! It always matters, and sometimes we get to see how much
Praying for Vijay
We rejoiced and prayed together, thanking the Lord for protecting Vijay and getting him back home. We prayed for the continued protection for him, all the kids, and every adult.
Groceries and toiletries with Manju’s village
Our School Classes
Sunday School
We used to gather the kids outside the prayer house for Sunday School. But for safety, we’ve started having it on Saturday, where we do school classes instead of at the village so the kids can learn in peace and not have to be very quiet. Things have been tense with neighbors and the government and we’ve had to keep an even lower profile than usual.
And that’s our week! We continue to pray for the rescue of the prayer house village from all that opposes them. Thank you so much for praying with us!
See the other part this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha