This week in Mexico 6-7-24

Here’s a glimpse of our week of outreaches in Mexico.
Quick links to the other parts this week:
Pray with us for Carmen
Happy weekend everyone! ♥ I’m excited to share our outreaches in Mexico with you! But first, a prayer request for Carmen. She is a very close friend of ours and of the ministry. She volunteers with our food distribution, her husband is on our construction crew, and she’s also Olga’s daughter-in-law!
She was brought to the emergency room Friday night for intense pain in her abdomen. She’s had trouble with gallstones but wanted to avoid the surgery if possible. But it turns out that her gallbladder is now over 80% filled with gallstones! The doctors were amazed that she hadn’t passed out from the pain. Their youngest is just a year old, and she’s worried about the recovery. They said she needs the surgery ASAP, but that they couldn’t do it unless it had already ruptured!
The general hospitals used to provide free medical care for those in need, but that changed this last year. Now they refer to private doctors/surgeons unless it’s what they consider an emergency, which in Carmen’s case is an already ruptured gallbladder! So we spent yesterday trying to find a doctor who could see her immediately and praying they work with us on the fee. We found one! He has privileges at three hospitals and said he’d arrange the surgery at whichever would give us the best deal! He also ran more labs and sent her for an updated ultrasound. They are worried about her blood results, especially anemia, and making sure she’s ok for the surgery. She was already very thin after their daughter was born, and since the excruciating pain after eating, she has lost even more weight. We are waiting for the results now and praying they can schedule her for tomorrow.
Grocery delivery and prep!
We have used the same store for years and have gotten in a really good groove of ordering and delivering with them. They know what we do and even know how to substitute things for us that have gone out of stock. We get the same things for families in need every month, and it’s been a seamless process for a long time. That all changed this month. It took many wrong deliveries for them to get it right this time. But we finally got the correct things delivered and began packaging them in bags for each family!
You can see Carmen in the blue sweatshirt in the pic below. The older two daughters are also in the pic!
Grocery distribution!
A friend at SeaWorld sends us the backstock of their shirts to give out and it has now become a special tradition a few times a year!
We always bring special treats for the kids when we bring groceries to families. It’s a small thing to try to show them that our God doesn’t just care about the basics. He wants to delight us! ♥
Our Escuelita— Our kids group
Groceries to the refugees
We don’t know how many kids and families will be here until we show up each month, so we bring extra grocery bags and extra snacks!
Thank you so much for praying with us for those we serve together!
Quick links to the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha